
Road Bully In Klang Was Filmed Performing Indecent Acts Towards A Mother And Her Daughters

He was threatening a mother and her two daughters.

Cover image via We Are Malaysians/Facebook

On Tuesday, 7 August, a motorcyclist was filmed performing indecent acts towards a mother and her two daughters outside the Pandamaran police station

The man also threw a traffic cone at the family's car, before breaking the car's window with a rock.

According to a report in China Press, the man fled the scene after seeing a policeman walking out of the station.

Here's what we know so far:

1. A mother was about to drive away from a restaurant in Pandamaran, Klang, before the family encountered the motorcyclist

"I realised there was a guy standing at the side of my car, yelling at me for hitting his motorbike," the mother wrote in a Facebook post.

She claimed that she had just reversed her car for a few seconds, which makes it "impossible" to hit the man's motorcycle.

The mother told China Press that her 16-year-old and 12-year-old daughters, together with their dogs, were in the car with her.

The man first approached the family outside the restaurant.

Image via China Press

2. As she was suspicious of the man's accusations, the mother suggested to him that they both go to the Pandamaran police station for investigation of the matter

Along the eight-minute long drive to the police station, the mother alleged that the man hit her car's window with a stick, kicked her car's doors, and even tried to run into her car with his motorcycle.

"I twisted my arm along the way because I was too nervous... I also sounded the car horn to attract people's attention for self-defence," the mother added.

3. Upon arriving at the Pandamaran police station, the man aggravated his actions towards the family

"He began making indecent hand signs at me. After he realised that I was filming his actions, he picked up a traffic cone and threw it at my car, before breaking my car's window with a rock," the mother said. 

He then fled the scene after spotting a policeman walking out of the station.

The moment a rock was thrown at the mother's car window.

Image via We Are Malaysians/Facebook

4. The mother did not drive her car into the compound of the police station

She decided to park her car outside the station as she thought that the man would not be brave enough to aggravate his actions then.

China Press also reported the mother as saying that she started feeling uncomfortable outside the police station due to her recent chemotherapy session.

5. The mother has since lodged a police report against the motorcyclist

The mother's police report against the motorcyclist.

Image via China Press

However, the man remains at large as of today, 9 August.

You can watch the man's behaviour towards the family here:

For all my friend and family Alert on this Guy's My warmest and strongly REMINDER to all's family and friend out there with alert on this SCARY people...He won't scared even already front of POLICE STATION... 7th Aug 2018 Today around 3:30pm, once done lunch at IV Pandamaran Restaurant, I was get into car and started my car engine not long in few second, I was supperied with my daughter realized there was a guy standing on my car at left hand side and keeping scolding with mentioning that I was hit his motorbike. However that was impossible because I just start my engine and put on reverse gear on due to few second only. I'm was scared to get out from car due to my two situation. Firstly there was my KID'S in car Secondly I was scared if that robbery However i was voice out the best solution...settle at Police Station with little small space of my car window to him... After the words, i thought he was following me to Police Station on further solution...but he was not. Because he was forcing me get out from car...due to this situation, i have no choice to choose drive fast as much as can to Police Station. Along to Police Station, this guy with DIRT word, and a wood trying to hit my car. During chasing me until reached Police Station. To avoid on this situation, i was drive fast with along of avoiding him hit my car, with this situations, I was had sprained ankle on my hand at right side Unfortunately once reached Police sickness was attacked so i not able to continue drive into Police Station, I'm trying to take video as evidence...but this guy keeping scolding and at end with hit my car as video you all saw

Posted by We are Malaysians on Wednesday, August 8, 2018

In other news, a pickup truck was caught on video reversing into a car several times in Petaling Jaya:

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