
"We're All Wet" — Woman Pleads With Upstairs Neighbour To Be Careful While Watering Plants

In response, the elderly neighbour tells the woman to "pretend it is raining".

Cover image via Linda (Provided to SAYS)

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A couple living in Ampang has been experiencing a problem with their upstairs neighbour, who frequently "rains" water down on them

According to the resident, who requested to be identified by her first name, Linda, she and her partner moved into an affluent neighbourhood in Ampang in September last year.

The couple living on the ground floor are subjected to "rain" even when it's not raining.

According to Linda, the elderly neighbour living on the top floor has plants on her balcony and likes to water them frequently.

While watering plants is fine on its own, what has become an annoyance for the couple is the excess water raining down on them.

In a video shared with SAYS, Linda is heard pleading with her upstairs neighbour to be careful.

"We are all wet," she is heard telling her elderly neighbour, who is seen watering her plants.

"We are getting wet," Linda repeats, this time slightly louder, after the neighbour fails to hear her.

Expecting a "sorry", Linda was taken aback by the neighbour nonchalantly telling her to "pretend it is raining". Doubting that she might have misheard the neighbour, Linda tells her, "It's not raining".

"Well, pretend it is," the elderly neighbour suggests to Linda.

Appalled by the response, Linda is then heard telling her neighbour that she can't pretend that "it is raining". She goes on to add that regardless of whether the water from the upstairs balcony is clean or dirty, it's not nice of the neighbour to not check for occupants downstairs before spraying water down.

The elderly neighbour contends that Linda can pretend it's raining for "five minutes".

Watch part of the exchange between the two below:

SAYS has blurred out the video to not reveal the residence in question.

In a conversation with this SAYS writer, Linda shared that she and her partner have faced this fake "rain" from time to time, but they chose not to make it an issue since their neighbours are an elderly couple

"We have approached them on the issue before," Linda shared, adding that when she called out her neighbour on Tuesday evening, 7 March, she was not expecting to be told to "pretend it is raining".

"I was appalled by the response given instead of an apology," she said.

Both Linda and the elderly neighbour are committee members of the residence management.

"On the bright side, given the small community we live in, we tend to broach for a resolution whenever there is an issue, which works most of the time; just not this time with this particular neighbour," she said.

Citing her reason for sharing the video, Linda said she's doing so in hopes that "this could be a learning point and to serve as a reminder for community spirit, which, sadly, we don't see as much anymore".

"Having good relationships with neighbours allow [all of us] to look out for each other and form meaningful and lasting connections. For some, it's the silver lining of living away from home and family," she added.

Watch the full video here:

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