The Kajang By-Election Story
An interesting third by-election since the 13th General Election is set to take place after a surprising resignation from Kajang State Assemblyman Lee Chin Cheh.
[VIDEO] Wan Azizah Sworn In As New Kajang State Assemblyman
Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail was officially sworn in today as the new Kajang state assemblyman, two weeks after winning the seat in a by-election. The incumbent PKR president defeated Barisan Nasional’s (BN) Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun with a 5,379 vote majority, a smaller figure than in the 13th general election amid a lower voter turnout.

Newly sworn-in Kajang state assemblyman Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail has denied any intention to take up the position of Selangor Mentri Besar.“I solemnly swear to carry out my responsibilities as a state assemblyman,” she said at the opening of the Selangor state assembly here which was officiated by Selangor Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah.

Speaking after her swearing-in ceremony here today, she said her main aim was to serve the people of Kajang, who voted her into the position in a by-election last month. “No (as I said before) the MB position is not important. I want to serve the people and the state.”, she replied to reporters when asked whether she wanted the state’s top post.
Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail was officially sworn in today as the new Kajang state assemblyman.
Image via themalaymailonline.com23 March, Kajang By-Election Results: Wan Azizah Secures Victory For PKR In Kajang
A victorious Wan Azizah Wan Ismail arrives at the MPKJ stadium.
The returning officer will announce the official results soon. Tenaga Nasional has send some workers to ensure that there are no blackouts at the tallying centre.
PKR strategic director Rafizi Ramli says he is satisfied with the results as the party managed to capture two Malay-majority areas which it lost in the last general election, namely Taman Delima and Sungai Sekamat. "In terms of percentage, it is a bigger win for us even though our majority has gone down. This is because of the lower turnout," he says.
malaysiakini.comThe voter turnout today stands at 72 percent, which is significantly lower than the 88 percent recorded during the general election in May 5, 2013.
Ong Kian Ming: Support for PR increased from 56.8% in GE13 to 59.7% in the Kajang by-election!
anilnetto.comPKR operations headquarters - PKR communications director Fahmi Fadzil provides a quick analysis on the results: PKR won in two of Umno strongholds and reduced its rival's majority in two more. According to him, PKR won Sungai Sekamat by 45 votes and Taman Delima by three votes compared to the last general election where it lost both areas by 239 votes and 123 votes respectively. "At Sungai Kantan, we lost by 420 votes last time but it has reduced to 225 votes while at Batu 10 Cheras, it has similarly been reduced to 151 votes."
malaysiakini.comMCA Candidate Chew Mei Fun Accepts Defeat With Grace
MCA candidate Chew Mei Fun, who has somehow accepted her defeat in by-election, congratulates PKR party president Wan Azizah Wan Ismail. Despite the defeat, Chew reveals that MCA has actually achieved two targets - reduce PKR majority votes and increase Chinese votes up to 25 percent.
malaysiakini.comShe says the unofficial results show that the total Chinese vote for MCA has gone up from the previous 18 percent in last year's general election to 24.8 percent. "We didn't manage to win this by-election, but in terms of unity of MCA, we have proven that.."As the new leadership took over the party only two to three months ago, we have increased Chinese votes near to 25 percent - this is considered quite a good result," she enthuses.[PHOTOS] Kajang By-Election Polling Day: Voting, Heckling, FRU, And Questionable Electoral Roll
Traffic is beginning to pile up at the voting centre in Sungai Sikamat as there is a Pasar Pagi (morning market) nearby.
Image via netdna-cdn.comDr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail of Parti Keadilan Rakyat (in white headscarf) meeting with Kajang voters at Pasar Sg Chuah in Kajang on March 22, 2014.
Image via straitstimes.comFederal Territories minister Datuk Seri Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor arrived at the Sekolah Kebangsaan Kajang polling centre.
Image via netdna-cdn.comAt Sekolah Kebangsaan Kajang, some thirty PKR supporters marched to the polling centre boundary, shouting “Reformasi” and “Kangkung”. They turned around and marched right back out, stopping to face BN supporters. Things got tense for a moment but did not go further than verbal taunting.
Image via netdna-cdn.comThe number of voters has dwindled at Sekolah Kebangsaan Kajang. The school compound is quiet, however the scene outside paints a different picture as supporters are rallying for their parties still.
Image via netdna-cdn.comThe FRU at Sekolah Kebangsaan Kajang are stationed 100 metres away from the supporters. They are inside the polling area.
Image via netdna-cdn.comThe Federal Reserve Unit (FRU) has been deployed to guard the polling centre at Sekolah Kebangsaan Kajang.
Image via netdna-cdn.comMadam Sah Moi, 91, turned up at the Convent school in Jalan Gereja to cast her vote. She resides at Taman Muhibah and it is said that she has never missed an election. Sah Moi lives in a home as she doesn’t have any family left.
Image via[NOW] Sluggish Voter Turn Out On Morning Of Kajang By-Election Voting Day
After an intense two weeks of campaigning by Barisan Nasional and Pakatan Rakyat, 16 polling stations opened on Sunday as Kajang constituents got to cast their votes from 8am.
A line formed outside the gates of SMK Convent Kajang, here, when voters began coming as early as 7.45 am. First to exit the polling centre about 10 minutes after the gate was opened was Surinah Jemain, 56. "I was in Johor on Friday, and came back to Kajang last night just to cast my vote today," she said.
Polling will close at 5pm Sunday, and the Election Commission expects the result to be announced by 9pm.
A total of 38,055 registered voters are expected to discharge their responsibility before voting ends at 5pm.
The Election Commission said it expected more than 80 per cent of the total voters to cast their ballots.
As of 10am, 8,433 (22.16%) people have come out to cast their votes for the Kajang by-election, according to the EC.
Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail has arrived at Saujana Impian, saying that low voter turnout was to be expected but she expressed her hope that more will turn up.
Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim is also at Saujana Impian, heckled by BN supporters.
Anwar claims that voter turnout is picking up and hopes it increases.
PKR Election Monitoring Agent Claims Kajang Citizens Who Had Voted Before Were Not Registered In The Electoral Roll
Johan Jumari, a PKR election monitoring agent told The Rakyat Post that several voters who had voted in the Kajang constituency before, today found that their names were not in the electoral roll for N25 Kajang.
He claimed that they have received 25 complaints of such cases from 8am in the morning.
He said the constituents had made verbal complaints but they have to lodge a police report to make it official.
Johan alleged that some had come from Johor to cast their votes only to be turned away.
“Reports are still coming in. We have informed our party headquarters already,” he said.
Rajaletchumy Nadeson, 66, from Taman Sungai Jelok said she has voted three times in Kajang and today her name was not in the system.
Image via netdna-cdn.comRajaletchumy Nadeson, 66, from Taman Sungai Jelok said she has voted three times in Kajang and today her name was not in the system.
Heckling And Scuffles Break Out Between PKR And BN Supporters
Sungai Chua - The new village entrance sees a commotion when Chinese supporters from MCA and PKR, who are standing facing each other across a narrow road, initiates a war of words by throwing abusive curses in Hakka, Cantonese and Mandarin. The tense situation is exacerbated when a PKR supporter in Cantonese curses MCA members to "die" and provokes a hot-tempered man to walk across to try to punch him.
malaysiakini.comMinor argument broke out between supporters at the Convent school in Kajang.
Image via netdna-cdn.comTaking swift action, at least five light strike force personnel separate the duo and instruct both sides to stay out of the road. However, PKR supporters keep uttering abusive words now while the MCA crowd falls silent.
malaysiakini.comA group of about 30 in BN shirts are having a great time heckling a smaller group of PKR supporters at SK Convent Kajang. They pretend to look at the PKR lot using binoculars apparently because the PKR lot is so small.
malaysiakini.comSK Kantan Permai - Separated only by a lane and with operation tents opposite each other, BN supporters outnumber Pakatan here. They shout "Hidup BN", "Hancur Anwar", "Tolak Anwar" dan "Tolak Kak Wan" repeatedly while waving banners and Chew Mei Fun posters. Pakatan backers shout "Reformasi."
malaysiakini.com19 March: 1,197 Policemen And Spouses Expected To Vote Today In Kajang By-Election Early Voting
Early voting for the Kajang by-election begun at 8am, Wednesday for a total of 1,197 police personnel and their spouses. Polls will close at 5pm today. centres are at the Dewan Sultan Ahmad Shah in the Royal Malaysian Police College here, Dewan Anjung at the Royal Malaysian Forensic Laboratory in Taman Kota Cheras and the Kajang district police headquarters in Taman Kajang district.
According to the Election Commission, there are 1,197 voters in the list of early voters.
Wan Azizah, who is facing Barisan Nasional (BN) Chew Mei Fun in the Kajang state by-election on March 23, claimed that the constituency had only 300 early voters in GE13, but the number had increased dramatically to 1,197 for the early polling scheduled for tomorrow. She said her doubt heightened when the EC did not allow competing parties to monitor the early voting process.
The Election Commission (EC) has vehemently denied that there was a dramatic surge in the number of early voters in the Kajang state constituency. "An allegation that the EC deliberately added early voters, mostly among Barisan Nasional (BN) supporters, is a big lie and preposterous. "The number of early voters or ordinary voters is based on the number of voters one day before the incumbent assemblyman resigned. This means we cannot increase the number of voters indiscriminately after the seat fell vacant," he told Bernama today.
The indelible ink will still be used for the Kajang by-election as was done in two previous by-elections for the Kuala Besut seat in Terengganu and Sungai Limau in Kedah.
On Wednesday, 88.39 per cent or 1,050 of the 1,197 advanced voters had cast their votes.
11 March: [PICS/VIDS] Kajang By-Election Nomination Sees Head On Fight Between Chew Mei Fun And Wan Azizah
Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun and Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail will go head to head in the Kajang by-election which is being held against a backdrop of political conspiracy and a hope of renewal. Wan Azizah and Chew were the only individuals who filed nomination papers and were confirmed as candidates at the Kajang Municipal Sports Complex at Bandar Baru Bangi this morning.
Wan Azizah departure from the nomination centre is accompanied by song as supporters sing the PKR son. She says "I am touched by the amount of support (towards my candidacy) from PKR and Pakatan. So this is to be the referendum for the injustice that has taken place. Yes, my family has been under pressure, but this is a referendum to the justice system in this country. I hope Kajang voters will vote for me to send a strong message (to reject BN).”
malaysiakini.comSeveral independent candidates who announced their interest to contest pulled out recently, namely former law minister Datuk Zaid Ibrahim and dangdut singer Herman Tino.
The sleepy town of Bandar Baru Bangi woke up to a massive traffic jam and sirens of police cars blaring a few hours before the Kajang by-election nomination, Tuesday. The supporters of Pakatan Rakyat, whom some have arrived as early as 5am, were seen donning blue coloured PKR t-shirts and waving the flags of the political party contesting. 8,000 Barisan Nasional supporters accompanied the coalition’ candidate Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun to the nomination centre on Tuesday. Supporters bearing slogan like “Barisan Menang Rakyat Senang” (Barisan wins, the people’s gain) also chanted Hidup Barisan and Hidup MCA.

10.35am: A BN flash mob breaks into dance infront of the nomination centre. After their five-minute performance where the group stomped the ground and chanted slogans while standing in combative stances, they closed ranks and began to march away from the nomination centre.
malaysiakini.comThe police were given an earful by PKR director of strategy Rafizi Ramli for erecting a barricade of barbed wire to keep supporters of BN and PKR at bay, during the Kajang by-election nomination process this morning.
yahoo.comAs supporters started to disperse following the announcement of a straight fight between PKR and BN, Rafizi gave an emotive speech addressed to police accusing them of apeing "Israel's oppression of Palestine". "You are treating the rakyat as enemies, simply because you need to protect (Prime Minister) Najib (Abdul Razak) and (wife) Rosmah (Mansor) ...," he said via a loudspeaker and facing the anti-riot squad. "Barbed wire is a symbol of Israeli oppression of Palestine, so tell your superiors never to use it again."[PICS/VIDS] Thousands Of BN And PR Supporters Show Their Support At The Kajang By-Election Nomination On 11 March 2014
Wan Azizah Steps In For Anwar (Again) In Kajang By-Election
Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) president Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail has been chosen to contest in the Kajang by-election on March 23.
Datuk Seri Wan Azizah was unveiled as the Pakatan Rakyat candidate for the March 23 contest, stepping in for Anwar for the second time in her life, news website The Malaysian Insider reported.
This was announced by her husband and opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim during a press conference at the PKR operations centre at Bangunan Mat Saman here around 1.45pm today. Wan Azizah said she would carry on to represent the will of the people here. Anwar then said he would continue to help her campaign in the by-election.
Who Will Replace Anwar In Kajang Now That He Is Found Guilty Of Sodomy?
PKR has a list of replacement candidates for the Kajang by-election if the Court of Appeal today overturns Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim's acquittal in a sodomy case that could put him in prison, say sources.
Party deputy president Azmin Ali has also denied there were contingency plans if Anwar was found guilty. "There is no plan A or plan B as we are confident that he will be free (from the sodomy charge) based on the statement that we prepared today and tomorrow.
The Malaysian Insider learnt the PKR leadership has identified one candidate – its strategy director, Rafizi Ramli, who is also architect of the "Kajang move" – as the likely choice to replace Anwar.
yahoo.comRafizi declined to comment on a possible replacement candidate, saying that was up to Anwar to announce if it came to that.
yahoo.comAnother party insider said it had a candidate on standby but declined to elaborate. "We are also looking at other potential party members who could be nominated to defend the seat," another source told The Malaysian Insider.
Dangdut Singer Herman Tino U-Turns On Decision To Contest In Kajang By-Election
Dangdut singer Herman Tino, who had earlier said he would contest as an independent candidate in the Kajang by-election, has announced that he will no longer do so. said he had decided not to contest in the by-election as he did not want to be accused as spoiling votes or paid by certain parties. “I don’t want to be called as spoiler of votes, looking for cheap publicity or reward from the GE13, P95 Tg Karang and Kajang seat by-election,” he said in a press statement, Thursday.
Herman, whose real name is Marsun Tamsi, contested as an independent candidate for the Tanjung Karang parliamentary seat during The 13th general election. Herman stood against Barisan's Datuk Seri Noh Omar and PAS' Mohamad Rashdi Deraman. won the seat with 20,548 votes, beating PAS’s candidate with a majority of 4,394 votes while Herman who only managed to secure 340 votes, lost his deposit.
21 Feb: BN Places Bet On MCA Candidate To Run Against Anwar In Kajang By-Election
After weeks of speculation, Barisan Nasional today named MCA vice-president Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun as its candidate in the upcoming Kajang by-election.
Image via NSTThe Barisan Nasional (BN) today named MCA vice-president Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun as its candidate for the Kajang state by-election on March 23. "This BN candidate is credible, has experience, has worked for the government and is an MCA vice-president," he said.
mysinchew.comChew, 50, won the MCA vice-president's post at the party elections on Dec 21 last year and is formerly a Petaling Jaya Utara MP, Senator and Deputy Women, Family and Community Development Minister. Chew is also a former Wanita MCA national chairman and Selangor Wanita MCA chairman.
The selection of MCA vice-president Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun as the candidate for the Kajang state by-election can be used as a yardstick to gauge the people's acceptance of MCA's new party leadership.
"The BN pledges that if Mei Fun is elected as the assemblyman for Kajang, she will devote her time fully to champion the cause of the Kajang constituents, regardless of race. "This is the BN tradition of championing the cause of the people and serving them at all times. I hope that following today's announcement, the voters of Kajang will give their full support," he said.
The Barisan Nasional (BN) on Friday named MCA vice-president Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun as its candidate for the Kajang state by-election on March 23.
Image via bernama.comDatin Paduka Chew Mei Fun is not intimidated by Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, whom she will face-off with in the Kajang by-election. Chew, who is MCA vice-president, said she remains unfazed, as she had been called up to the task to defend the democratic process., we are aware that this by-election was deliberately created by PKR to resolve their party’s infighting and for Anwar to be mentri besar. They have belittled and manipulated the democratic system. “I am duty-bound to uphold the spirit of democracy and defend the people’s rights.” Feb: Former Minister Zaid Ibrahim Says His "Chances Are Brighter Than Anwar" In Kajang By-Election
Former minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Zaid Ibrahim today officially announced that he would be contesting as an independent candidate in the Kajang state seat by-election on March 23.
In his official announcement here, he said the decision was made to uphold certain political principles, including the mandate given by the people to Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim as Selangor Mentri Besar.
Mohd Zaid said he had already outlined a few points that he would voice up during the campaigning period which were, among others, the importance of battling the roots of racial polarisation, the effort to preserve peace and solidarity between Muslims and Non-Muslims, as well as
economic and educational programmes on building skills.
On his chances of winning, Zaid, who lost to Barisan's P. Kamalanathan by about 1,000 votes in a by-election in Hulu Selangor, said "it is brighter than Anwar." On his chances of winning, Zaid, who lost to Barisan's P. Kamalanathan by about 1,000 votes in a by-election in Hulu Selangor, said "it is brighter than Anwar." He admitted that he would be facing Anwar's die-hard supporters who were blind to the Opposition leader's shortcomings. joins four other independent candidates, including 1980s dangdut singer Herman Tino, Malaysian Indian United Party president Datuk S.Nallakaruppan and former legal aide Yuktes Vijay.
6 Feb: Ambiga, "The People Of Kajang Need To Know If They Are Voting For The Future MB Of Selangor."
The activist called on the people of Kajang to reject politics based on racism and religious enmity, noting that they were getting a second opportunity to have their say.
"You are getting a second chance to vote. This is an opportunity to say what you want about everything that's happened since the last general election."
Ambiga added that she was still not convinced about Rafizi's argument for the reasons behind PKR's “Kajang move”.
"I don't agree with all the reasons. I may not be convinced that this is the best way to do it but I understand."
"To me, there has to be more clarity about the position of the MB.
"The people of Kajang need to know if they are voting for the future MB of Selangor. They're entitled to know.”
Ambiga said many people had come up to her to complain that they did not like the "wishy-washy" talk when it came to the MB issue.
"This thing about the MB... maybe he (Anwar) will be MB, maybe not. I find that unsatisfactory and I think that needs to be addressed," she said.
Ambiga, "The People Of Kajang Need To Know If They Are Voting For The Future MB Of Selangor."
Image via mkini.netThe Kajang By-Election Will Cost RM1.6 Million
Its chairman, Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Mohd Yusof, said the cost was derived from several factors, including the number of voters involved, location of the by-election and high cost of rental expected for items needed in the polls.
"We have to look at where the by-election is held, whether in an urban or rural area. Usually, the rent will be higher in urban areas and we will need a bigger budget.
"We have to factor in the number of personnel deployed, involving 673 people to manage the polls process, as well as the number of voting centres. We make the cost estimation as low as possible," he said after chairing a special meeting on the by-election yesterday.
"We do not want to rush into it. It is not easy to hold a by-election. Many things must be taken into consideration, including making sure the electoral roll is clean, identifying suitable nomination and polling centres, getting consent from the owners of buildings to be used as the centres and providing training to ensure past mistakes will not be repeated," he said, adding that it would take about two weeks to get the indelible ink from abroad.
Election Commission Sets 11 March For Nomination, 23 March 2014 As Polling Day For Kajang By-Election
The Election Commission (EC) has estimated that it will spend RM1.6mil for the N25 Kajang by-election, which will take place on March 23.
Nomination day is on March 11, giving candidates a campaign period of 12 days. by-election would involve an electorate of 39,278 registered voters, Aziz said, adding that 15 polling centres would be open for 38,055 normal voters on polling day and three centres for 1,197 early voters on March 19.
Voters in the constituency consist of 19,050 Malay voters, 15,823 (Chinese), 4,040 (Indian), 78 (Sabah Bumiputera), 74 (Sarawak Bumiputera), 10 (Orang Asli) and 203 (others).
Abdul Aziz said that 673 personnel would be appointed to aid the co-ordination of the by-election, where 15 polling centres and three centres for advance voting will be set up. “The indelible ink will also be used on voters as accorded in the law,” said Abdul Aziz, adding that a new batch of the ink may be obtained as early as two weeks from now. Yusof also informed the press that during the whole election period the EC will be using MPKJ Sports Complex in Section 15 Bandar Baru Bangi as the nomination centre and as the counting centre.
Pakatan MPs Asks If The Delay In The Kajang By-Election Polls Is Strategically Decided To Benefit BN
Barisan Nasional’s (BN) will deploy its full arsenal to prevent PKR from winning the Kajang by-election, DAP and PAS leaders predicted last night.
Claiming their opponents will use both fair means and foul to gain an advantage, they asserted that this would make Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim the clear underdog in the coming election.

Casting aspersions on the Election Commission’s (EC) decision to hold the by-election on March 23 — over a month from now — and for 12 days of campaigning, DAP MP Ong Kian Ming suggested this may play into BN’s favour.“Why is there a delay in the by-election? Is it so Barisan Nasional can find a suitable candidate?” the Serdang MP said, speaking to a 400-odd crowd here.
He also alleged of possible manipulation of the over 1,000 early and postal votes in the constituency.
PAS’s Dr Hatta Ramli echoed his Pakatan Rakyat colleague’s remarks, even going to the extent of questioning the EC’s decision to hold nominations on March 11.
“Why is the nomination date on a Tuesday? Is this so that people cannot turn up in full force to support Datuk Seri Anwar as he officially becomes a candidate?” The Kuala Krai MP asked.

Hatta, who is leading the PAS campaign machinery for the Kajang state election, also claimed that “old videos” of Anwar are resurfacing and they were aimed at tarnishing the PKR de facto leader’s credibility.
“Make no mistake. You will be getting a free gift soon, in the form of a video,” Hatta said to sounds of laughter from the crowd.

4 Feb: Lee Chong Wei For Kajang MP?
Youth and Sports Minister Khairy Jamaluddin today hit out at certain quarters who want to field national shuttler Datuk Lee Chong Wei as a candidate for the Kajang by-election.
Image via imgur.comOn Friday MCA had announced the party is currently scrutinising all proposals for candidates including Chong Wei for Barisan Nasional’s candidate in the by-election.
Its president Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai did not dismiss the possibility of fielding the World No. 1 player saying his popularity may help BN win the seat.
MCA has shortlisted its candidates for the Kajang state by-election and will submit it to Barisan Nasional leaders who will make the final choice, said Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai. The MCA president said that the chief consideration in selecting the most suitable candidate would be how “winnable” the person was. Asked if national shuttler Datuk Lee Chong Wei was among the names listed, he said “Anything is possible.” National DAP Vice Chairperson, Teresa Kok, said that the proposal not only shows that BN and MCA cannot find a strong candidate to face Anwar Ibrahim, but it has to stoop so low to use the fame of Lee Chong-Wei as political digit to save BN in this by-election.
selangorku.comOpposition leader Anwar Ibrahim last night joked that if Lee Chong Wei contests in the Kajang by-election he would be defeated as he would not be able to counter the popularity of the world's top ranked singles player. "If Lee contested I would admit defeat... (but) I would be defeated in badminton," he said.
"Everytime he is at the badminton court I will pray for his victory. I am confident that if I contest in Kajang, Lee would also pray for my success," said Anwar in his short speech last night.
“BN doesn’t treasure Lee who is still fighting so hard in many badminton competitions in order to bring fame for Malaysia, but it instead has treated Lee as a political digit to contest against a strong man in a Pakatan Rakyat’s stronghold,” Teresa Kok said today.

Anwar Admits Lee Chin Cheh Purposefully Resigned From His Duties In Kajang To Make Way For Him To Compete
Opposition leader Datuk Sri Anwar Ibrahim did not offer any new explanation behind the "Kajang move" and merely said that it was to fortify the state politically in the onslaught of attacks by Umno."He (Lee) did not resign without a negotiation. He resigned (as an Assemblyman) to make way for me to compete. The Selangor government also knows about it.
"There should be some surprises in politics and this, (Lee's resignation) is considered as one of our (Parti Keadilan Rakyat - PKR) strategies," he said in his speech to about 200 PKR youth and wanita at Yayasan An Nahdo, Kubang Semang on Saturday night.
"Why Selangor? And why Kajang, in the Selangor State Legislative Assembly?
"It is our plan to use Selangor as the economic gateway to Putrajaya and Kajang will help us in achieving that," Anwar said to cheers and applause, referring to the Federal administrative capital that is located about 10km from Kajang.
“We want to turn Selangor, already a model state with its economy, into a better model and a state which is strident in defending the rights of every one of Selangor's citizens” he added. “We will not to leave out Kajang from Malaysia's political map and would develop it on par with Selangor,” he said.
"A grand design is already in place that would involve vast sums of money being poured into their state party machinery.
"Acts of political sabotage including causing dissension and disunity within Pakatan will be taken to new levels," defacto leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim will not stoop to personal attacks against any Barisan Nasional (BN) leaders while campaigning in the upcoming Kajang by-election eventhough his opponents have vowed to do just that.
Instead, Anwar pledged to stick to his usual campaign issues such as rising inflation, abuse of power by the BN and government corruption to win over Kajang voters.
Anwar Admits Lee Chin Cheh Purposefully Resigned From His Duties In Kajang To Make Way For Him To Compete
Image via zenfs.comBarisan Nasional Will Not Make It Easy For Pakatan Rakyat To Win The Seat In Kajang
BN is now in the midst of gathering feedback from voters on the need to contest the Kajang state constituency by-election.
Umno Information chief Datuk Ahmad Maslan said the local BN party machinery started soliciting public opinion on the matter a day after Lee Chin Cheh resigned as Kajang state assemblyman on Monday.
According to Datuk Ahmad it was imperative the public understood the by-election was a deliberate act, merely to overcome PKR's internal problems and that the people of Kajang were dragged into the fray by Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.
Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin said although the seat was won by the PKR candidate in the last general election last year, voters in the area were being given another chance to select their representative.
"I don't think we should make it easy for the opposition candidate, whether he is (Datuk Seri) Anwar Ibrahim or someone else," he said at a news conference after making a surprise check on prices of goods in Section 16, Bandar Baru Bangi, here, today.
"There are those who opine that there's no need (for BN) to contest the seat but personally I feel, based on our usual practice, we should provide voters in Kajang with a choice of candidates.
Barisan Nasional Will Not Make It Easy For Pakatan Rakyat To Win The Seat In Kajang
Image via mkini.netPAS Will Support Anwar's Candidacy In Kajang
Dispelling talk of a boycott, PAS will support opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s bid to win the Kajang state seat.
President Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang said the party’s election director Dr Hatta Ramli would lead the PAS election machinery in this by-election.
“The issue about the Selangor menteri besar’s post does not arise,” he said in a statement last night after the party’s political and election committee meeting.
Khalid Ibrahim To Be Appointed As PKR's Election Director In The Kajang By-Election
Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim will likely be appointed PKR’s election director for the upcoming Kajang by-election, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim said today.
The Opposition Leader, who is contesting the state seat said the party leadership is currently discussing the matter and that the Selangor mentri besar is also aware of the plan.
“We are discussing and finalising matters. Tan Sri Khalid himself has said he wanted to lead this campaign to ensure Pakatan’s victory,” Anwar old The Malay Mail Onlinein an interview at the PKR headquarters here.
“There is a likehood this will happen,” Anwar added.
Khalid Ibrahim To Be Appointed As PKR's Election Director In The Kajang By-Election
Image via blogspot.com29 Jan: Rafizi Ramli Publicly Apologises For Forcing The Kajang By-Election, But Malaysians Are Not Forgiving
Rafizi Ramli Publicly Apologises For Forcing The Kajang By-Election, But Malaysians Are Not Forgiving
Image via"
I am aware that there is a lot of explanation that has to be made on the decision to vacate the Kajang seat to force a by-election. I am also acutely aware of Dato’ Ambiga’s advice communicated personally to me that we have to be as honest as possible with the people."

The by-election will certainly consume public money and public space at the time when the people have to go through economic hardship.
There is no excuse for wasting public money except to offer my sincerest apology and for the party to be prepared if the voters of Kajang decide to punish us.
In all honesty, as the strongest proponent of the scheme I bear most responsibility for the decision."

It is an open secret that the move to remove Najib Razak has begun. As a party strategist, I cannot rule out the possibility that Najib is removed and Umno falls to the ultras led by Mahathir Mohamad’s faction.
The unscrupulous attack and schemes to take Selangor by hook or by crook will begin the moment the weak Najib is removed. Even as we speak, Umno’s cards are all too obvious in the latest round of racial and religious controversies stirred up in Selangor in the last few months."

What PKR and Pakatan Selangor need is a fortification so that we can expedite reforms and simultaneously fend off political attacks and manoeuvres from Umno. We need as many of our top leaders around Selangor to defend Selangor because it remains the crown jewel of any political coalition in the country.
Hence the decision to field Anwar Ibrahim for a state seat as this provides an option that we can readily exercise should the need arise."

Good political leaders will never be popular. It pains me that we have to drag Anwar Ibrahim through this and subject him to public anger, yet his willingness to be a part of the bigger picture is the mark of the man.
Throughout the last few days, I reassured myself that it was Churchill who chose to be unpopular and remained a minority voice of alarm against the advancing Nazis till the end despite a public popularity to appease the Nazis. At the height of Nazi’s power, Churchill stood alone when everyone else in Europe bowed to Hitler."

Netizens have dissmissed, Rafizi Ramli's apology on Wednesday for the by-election in Kajang.
Charles Furfur Lee, in response to the statement by PKR Information Chief, said " Owhh just shut up already. You guys are no different than the ones you kutuk (insult).
Wan Zul said " I always thought Rafizi is different from other politicians who treat us like idiots. Apparently I'm wrong. Shame on you Rafizi." also expressed that they feel used and that the welfare of the people has not been taken into consideration by the politicians.
Izzati Maamor commented "Two wrongs don't make a right. You treat rakyat like a pawn. Rakyat has gone through enough difficulties." others also expressed that the party (PKR) has disappointed the people, and have lost the trust of the people.
Michael Lee said “Bunch of liars. After all the support the Malaysians have given to PKR. Never PKR again."
Atan Jamil said “After this episode, who is there left for us to believe?” Takes A Swipe At Anwar, Saying That The Kajang By-Election Is For The Interest Of One Man
In an obvious reference to the opposition leader, the prime minister said in his twitter account @NajibRazak:.: "Regardless of the infighting, this by-election in Kajang is less about the people but more about the interests of one man #BETTERNATION."
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak took to Twitter to respond on the Kajang state by-election, saying the move was more about the interests of one man. -

Najib Takes A Swipe At Anwar, Saying That The Kajang By-Election Is For The Interest Of One Man
Image via themalaymailonline.comDr M Says Anwar Wants To Be Selangor MB To Show The Rakyat He Is Prime Minister Material
The de facto Parti Keadilan Rakyat leader’s aim is to take over Putrajaya, Dr Mahathir told Bernama Radio24 in a special interview.
"He wants to show off his ability and prowess, and at the same, it will be a boost to his ambition to become Malaysia's prime minister," he said.
“He has always wanted to become a government leader. If not the big post, even a small one would do, so he can prove that he is prime minister material to the rakyat,” he said when interviewed during Bernama Radio 24’s Dalam Radar Khas talk show.“It is a way for him to be the menteri besar, and through that position, show to the rakyat that he is prime minister material.
“If possible, he would want the prime minister to resign and give him the post.” “Even when he joined Umno, his intention was not because he loved the party. He knew that he could be the prime minister only through Umno. He wants to be a prime minister, whatever happens after that does not matter,”
"During my tenure as prime minister, the opposition's only objective was to go against the government. They claimed that the Internal Security Act 1960 was draconian and barbaric. "So did the criticisms from the opposition stop when the Internal Security Act was repealed? No, they then focused their criticisms on a different issue. "Even if you gave the opposition money, they will not cease their attacks or criticisms. They will continue no matter what you give them," Dr Mahathir said.
Dr Mahathir advised voters in Kajang to assess the intention of the candidate they would vote for.
“Choose a person who wants to contribute to the nation and people, not a candidate who has a personal agenda.”
28 Jan: Bersih 2.0 Is Disappointed And Calls Pakatan Rakyat's Stunt A "Betrayal Of Trust"
The Bersih 2.0 steering committee said Lee’s decision to quit was nothing short of a 'betrayal of trust', and was unacceptable as it cast aside public interest for the benefit of his party.
Image via themalaymailonline.comThe Bersih 2.0 steering committee said Lee’s decision to quit was nothing short of a “betrayal of trust”, and was unacceptable as it cast aside public interest for the benefit of his party.
“There is little difference between the actions of Lee and the actions of former DAP Assemblyperson Hee Yit Foong in the 2009 Perak Constitutional Crisis. Both actions are equally deplorable,” the committee said in a statement.
Hee was blamed for playing a key role in the 2009 crisis in Perak, which saw Pakatan Rakyat (PR) lose the state to rival coalition Barisan Nasional (BN) following a spate of defections."Bersih 2.0 is appalled that a by-election would have to be called and public funds would be unnecessarily wasted because of the whims and fancies of a few.
"This is a regressive step for democracy because it supports the mistaken notion in Malaysia that elections are about political parties and politicians rather than about the people," it added.“No amount of political spinning will hide the fact that on January 27, 2014, the interest of the Kajang people took a backseat. “The mandate given to an elected representative by the people is something that should not be taken for granted.
“It is disappointing that in the midst of this political merry-go-round, the people’s interest, like many times before, is forgotten,” they said.

Ambiga Says PKR Must Give "Overwhelmingly Good Reason" For Forcing The Kajang By-Election
PKR must show an "overwhelmingly good reason" for a by-election in Selangor's Kajang state seat, in light of the public's growing unhappiness over the sudden move, electoral reforms activist Datuk Ambiga Sreenevasan said last night.
She said it is hoped that the “sacrifice” that it has asked former Kajang state assemblyman Lee Chin Cheh to make is worthwhile. “I think that is the sacrifice that they have asked him to make and he is prepared to do it in the interest of the party. So, we will have to wait and see what the reasons are,” said Ambiga.

"I am concerned for the voters because they have voted in the assemblyman. So, I think there are a lot of questions that needed to be answered," she said adding that she felt sorry for the former Kajang assemblyman, Lee Chin Cheh, who resigned in the interest of the party.
"Money has to be spent and that is why people are not happy.
"This is why people are angry. I am willing to give them the benefit of doubt but they owe the people an explanation," she said.“It has to be an overwhelmingly good reason why they have asked him to do this. I think they owe everybody an explanation,” she said after a public dialogue at DAP headquarters last night.

Barisan Nasional Says PKR Is Abusing Democratic Process For The Sake Of The Party
Penang Gerakan chief Teng Chang Yeow said Lee’s resignation signalled that Parti Keadilan Rakyat in Selangor is facing a political crisis.
“It’s an abuse of the process of democracy to resolve an internal power struggle of PKR and Pakatan Rakyat,” he said in a statement.
“The rakyat had given PKR and Pakatan Rakyat the mandate barely six months ago and now, they are forced to decide again,” he said.

“The series of events which occurred lately is clearly an abuse of the democratic process in our country and wasting the taxpayers’ money,” he said in a statement today.
freemalaysiatoday.comGerakan Youth chief Tan Keng Liang hit out at PKR elected reps for their series of intentional resignations to force by-elections, saying that it is an abuse of the democratic process. Condemning Kajang assemblyman Lee Chin Cheh’s resignation to make way for PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim to contest in a by-election, Tan said PKR has become accustomed to doing this.“How is Anwar going to take care of both Permatang Pauh and Kajang if he won the Kajang seat?” Zainal said.
“It would seem like the democratic process has been abused for PKR’s own political plans,” Penang Umno Liaison chief Datuk Zainal Abidin Osman.
University Malaysia Sarawak senior lecturer and political analyst Dr Jeniri Ahmad
: “If Anwar takes over the seat and then becomes Selangor menteri besar, it only shows his true colours and the party’s.
“It reflects that self interest is above public interest. It is a waste of money and public trust.
“It also poses the question of whether he (Anwar) is able to focus his attention as an MP,assemblyman as well as menteri besar,” he said.
Khairy Jamaluddin, "We Cannot Allow Anwar To Fool Around With The Rakyat's Trust As He Pleases"
Anwar Ibrahim’s controversial move to contest the Kajang state seat has prompted Umno Youth Chief Khairy Jamaluddin to urge voters in Selangor to punish Pakatan Rakyat for “betraying” the trust given to them during the previous general election.
freemalaysiatoday.comKhairy said it was unfair for the rakyat to pay for Pakatan’s alleged inability to govern Selangor, and the ballot box in the coming Kajang by-election was a chance for the coalition to be punished for their actions.“There is a huge crisis in Selangor that cannot be resolved amicably, to the point that Pakatan had to resort to asking Anwar to save the state government.
“I hope the people of Selangor understand this, and punish Pakatan Rakyat in the coming by-election,” the Youth and Sports minister
“In this case, it is clear that the responsibility and trust the rakyat and voters of Selangor gave them have been toyed with, and we (BN) must protest against this,” he said.
“We cannot allow Anwar to fool around with the rakyat’s trust as he pleases, simply to fulfill his personal agenda and satisfy his desire to add another feather in his cap.
“We must contest so that the rakyat can send the message that the trust given to their leaders should not be toyed with just so that they can solve internal party problems and satisfy personal ambitions.”
Azmin Ali Says This Was A Tactical Stunt That Has Been Planned All Along To Strengthen PKR's Administration In Selangor
PKR deputy president Azmin Ali speaking to reporters outside the PKR headquarters in Petaling Jaya on January 28, 2014. He said a 'national leader' of Anwar’s calibre was needed to improve PR’s position in Selangor.
Image via themalaymailonline.comPKR deputy president Azmin Ali revealed that the shocking resignation of the Kajang assemblyman and the subsequent by-election had been planned all along by the party to "strengthen" the state's administration.
Azmin said the Selangor administration could be strengthened by having a national leader such as Anwar in the state legislature.
"It’s a tactical move as we need a seat vacated to put a national leader in. We need someone like Anwar," Azmin said when approached by reporters outside PKR headquarters in Petaling Jaya today.
“Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim has laid a strong foundation for the past five years. But we should not be too complacent,” Azmin added. He added that Anwar had “many contacts” who would help improve Selangor and that the Opposition leader would play a strong role as state assemblyman.

PKR deputy president and Selangor chairman Azmin Ali said he supports Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s candidacy for the Kajang state seat.
According to Azmin, he “has to defend the party without any objections.”
“Please do not speculate anything, and I am only a small man in the party." Nasional Will Contest In Kajang By-Election If EC Makes The Announcement
Barisan Nasional Will Contest In Kajang By-Election If EC Makes The Announcement
Image via kualalumpurpost.netBarisan Nasional will field a candidate to contest the Kajang state seat by-election, said the coalition’s deputy chairman Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin.
“This state constituency is an MCA area. If the Election Commission (EC) makes the announcement, we will decide how to face the by-election.“Whatever it is, we will make the final decision after the EC’s announcement. I cannot pre-empt the EC,” he told a press conference after the Education Ministry’s Annual New Year Address 2014 yesterday. asked to comment on the possibility that PKR adviser Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim was contesting in the by-election merely to take over the post of Selangor mentri besar, Muhyiddin said, “I don’t know.
“I will not comment on rumours. I don’t know what his objective is in contesting, maybe he merely wants to be a state assemblyman.”“I don’t know whether this is the real picture, that it could lead to a by-election soon, but to me, it is a cue for the people of Selangor to realise that the PKR struggles actually revolves around personal matters instead of struggling for the people,” he said. Jan: Kajang State Assemblyman Lee Chin Cheh, 43, From PKR Has Resigned From His Position
Lee, a lawyer by profession, was a new face in the May 5 general election.
He secured 19,571 votes, winning the Kajang seat with a 6,824-vote majority in a six cornered fight against candidates from the Barisan Nasional and Berjasa and three Independents.
Lee Chin Cheh, from Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR), has resigned as the assemblyman for Kajang.
Kajang State Assemblyman Lee Chin Cheh,43, From PKR Has Resigned His Position On 27 January 2014
Image via thesundaily.myLee Says His Decision To Resign Is Aimed To Strengthen The Opposition's Ability To Serve The People In Selangor
Lee Says His Decision To Resign Is Aimed To Strengthen The Opposition's Ability To Serve The People In Selangor
Image via astroawani.comLee Chin Cheh, who resigned as Kajang state assemblyman yesterday said the decision was made based on common interest and to strengthen the opposition’s ability to serve the people in Selangor.
Lee, 43, in a brief statement here, also expressed his gratitute to the voters in Kajang, who had given him the opportunity to become their elected representative.
“I am moved by the generosity of the voters in Kajang, who have given me their cooperation and confidence all this time,” he said.
Selangor State Assembly Speaker Hannah Yeoh Has Officially Declared The N25 Seat Vacant After She Received His Resignation Letter
Selangor State Assembly Speaker Hannah Yeoh Has Personally Received His Resignation Letter
Image via imgur.comHis resignation letter was received by Selangor State Assembly Speaker, Hannah Yeoh Tseow Suan at her office in Shah Alam, Monday.
Yeoh, when announcing Lee's resignation at a media conference Monday, said she would write to the Election Commission (EC) on Lee's resignation, which was with immediate effect, Tuesday.
Asked whether it surprised her, she said: "Of course". On the grounds given by Lee for his resignation, Yeoh said:"You have to ask him. I don't want to speak on his behalf. My role is to inform you I have received the resignation letter and the vacancy must be filled in 60 days."
"He came to see me personally and submitted his resignation.
"According to Article 70(5) of the Selangor State Constitution, a casual vacancy shall be filled within 60 days from the date on which the vacancy occurs," she said during a press conference around 5pm at the Selangor state legislative building.
With the resignation, she officially declared the N25 seat vacant.
Selangor State Assembly Speaker Hannah Yeoh Has Personally Received His Resignation Letter
Image via imgur.comThe Election Commission Has Yet To Decide The By-Election Date
Commission chairman Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Yusof said the announcement of an upcoming by-election would only be made after the commission received the letter of resignation.
“We have to see the letter and discuss the matter before making any announcement,” said Aziz.
“We do not want another incident similar to what happened in Perak to happen again,” he said.
In A Surprise Move, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim Has Announced His Candidacy For The Kajang State By-Election
Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim announcing he will be standing for the Kajang by-election.
Image via abnxcess.comDatuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim announced today that he will contest the coming Kajang by-election, confirming previous speculation in the media.

Speaking at a press conference at PKR Headquarters, Anwar said his candidacy was approved by the party leadership in order to strengthen the party in Selangor in its attempt to take over Putrajaya.
"This decision is for me to help improve the already stellar performance of the state administration under Abdul Khalid.
"It is to make Selangor a base from which to launch our campaign to take over Putrajaya," Anwar said.
Speaking to reporters at the PKR headquarters here, Khalid said this was a collective decision made by Pakatan. At the same press conference, Anwar thanked Lee for his service as the state rep.
Anwar also said he was chosen as the candidate to ensure a strong victory in the by-election.
Anwar Says He Was Nominated Based On A Consensus By PKR, DAP And PAS
Asked how his candidacy was decided upon for the Kajang state seat, Anwar said it was based on a consensus within PKR, and agreed to by DAP and PAS.
"They nominated me to enhance Selangor's performance, which was already very good. It is a good place to move PKR forward to Putrajaya," he added.
Asked why he did not contest the state seat in GE13, Anwar said his name was only nominated now.
He also said it was "too premature" to discuss how he would balance his roles as opposition leader, Permatang Pauh MP, and potential assemblyman for the Kajang state seat. Should "Let PKR Continue Our Work In Selangor," Says Anwar
Saying this, PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim - who is to contest the state seat - said the BN should instead “let PKR continue our work” in Selangor.
If the Election Commission is so concerned about the expenditure that will be incurred in holding the Kajang by-election, then ‘the BN should not contest’.
Anwar's Candidacy As Kajang State Assemblyman Comes Amidst Rumours That He Is Slated To Replace Khalid Ibrahim As Selangor MB
Anwar's Candidacy As Kajang State Assemblyman Comes Amidst Rumours That He Is Slated To Replace Khalid Ibrahim As Selangor MB
Image via imgur.comThe latest announcement paves the way for the PKR de facto leader to become the state’s next Menteri Besar if he wins the seat and Abdul Khalid agrees to step down from his post.
However when asked to comment on this, Anwar refused to confirm or deny his rumoured plan to replace Abdul Khalid.
According To The Star, Barisan Nasional Had Once Also Forced A By-Election To Elect A New Selangor MB In 1997
According To The Star, Barisan Nasional Had Once Also Forced A By-Election To Elect A New Selangor MB In 1997.
Image via