
9 Eyewitness Videos Of What Happened After Explosion Goes Off At Ariana Grande’s Concert

A deadly bomb went off after Ariana's concert in Manchester.

Cover image via Zach Bruce/Twitter

At around 5.30am Malaysian time, an explosion went off at the end of Ariana Grande's concert in Manchester Arena, UK

Image via PJ Media

So far, the death count for the incident has risen to 22 with 59 more are injured. News reports state that children are among the dead and injured patients are spread out across 8 different hospitals in Manchester. Police was said to have described victims having shrapnel-like injuries. Some speculate those types of injuries might suggest the use of a nail bomb which is known to use shrapnel such as steel balls, razors, screws and other pieces of metal to cause heavy damage.

For now, officials have labelled it as an act of terrorism. The blast went off outside the arena just minutes after the concert came to a close.

1. This video details the frantic reaction inside the stadium the moment the bomb went off outside

2. This video shows crowds screaming and rushing to the nearest exit right after the explosion unravelled

Grande concertgoer, David Richardson told The Independent, “The lights came on after the gig and people were starting to leave. As I turned to the left there was an explosion. It was about 40ft behind us near one of the exits. We just thought it was people messing about then it happened again. Another explosion sounded.”

“Then we saw the smoke. Everyone just fled. Some people were injured. We saw blood on people when we got outside. People were just running all over the place," he added.

3. Outside, throngs of people shuffle in panic as they leave the concert venue

17-year-old Oliver Jones who was present at the concert said, “Security was running out as well as the fans and concert goers."

4. People were fleeing Victoria Station approximately 61 meters away from where the concert took place

5. The fiery flash of the explosion was captured by a DashCam

A flash can be seen on the far left at around 0:07 followed by the echo of the blast.

6. This distraught witness explained how staff told concertgoers that the blast was a balloon

7. This eyewitness describes how she was trampled by people who were anxious to leave

8. Another account expressed the sights, smell, and sounds that were felt in the arena

9. Ambulances arrived at the scene around midnight

Image via The Guardian

The Guardian reports that their A&E (accident and emergency) department is under lockdown, now tending only to patients linked to the Manchester Arena.

Police and bomb disposal units were deployed to the scene

Image via New York Times

Police helped escort fans out of Manchester Arena. They are said to be treating the blast as a suspected terrorist attack for now.

Greater Manchester Police have confirmed that the attack was carried out by one man with an improvised explosive device. Chief constable Ian Hopkins has affirmed that the perpetrator took his own life when detonating the bomb.

Several hours after the incident, Ariana tweeted a sorrowful response

Ariana Grande is said to be "okay" and sound from the incident. One person told The Guardian," Ariana Grande had just gone behind the curtain and the lights came up when there was this massive bang and a big cloud of smoke. I saw five people with blood all down them.”

Her Dangerous Woman world tour has been declared suspended.

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