
[VIDEO] Child Crashes Show Car Into A Wall At Indonesian Shopping Mall

Fortunately, no one was injured in the incident.

Cover image via @anthraxxx781 (X)

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A recent incident saw a child accidentally crash a display car into a wall at a shopping mall in Kelapa Gading, Indonesia

Kelapa Gading police chief commissioner Maulana Mukarom said the incident occurred on Sunday, 21 April at the Mall of Indonesia in his statement on Monday, 22 April.

It was reported that the boy was in the driver's seat when he accidentally pressed the accelerator pedal.

Later, a video of the incident went viral, showing the child being pulled out of the car after the crash and promptly scolded by his mother.

Thankfully, no one was injured

The issue has been resolved between the showroom organiser and the boy's family, according to the chief commissioner.

Additionally, the police have concluded their investigation and confirmed that the case is now closed.

The viral video of the incident can be found below:

Concerns were raised by netizens towards the lack of precautions set by the organiser

"Shouldn't the handbrake be engaged? How did the boy put the car into drive?" wrote a reply on X.

"What is this? Are showroom cars just left running nowadays?" wrote another user on X.

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