
CENDANA Is Giving Out Grants To Artists And Collectives To Help Them Create Art During MCO

Individual artists and cultural workers can receive RM1,500, while collectives and arts organisations can receive RM3,500.

Cover image via CENDANA

A joint recovery programme has been introduced to support Malaysian artists, collectives, and arts organisations in the face of the COVID-19 crisis

For illustration purposes.

Image via Christian Fregnan/Unsplash

With the goal of ensuring job opportunities and allowing creative content to continue to be generated, various agencies under The Ministry of Communications and Multimedia (KKMM) have come together.

This includes MyCreative Ventures Sdn Bhd, the National Film Development Corporation (Finas), and the Malaysian Digital Economic Corporation (MDEC).

The Create Now Funding Programme is giving out immediate response grants of up to RM1,500 per individual artist or cultural worker, and RM3,500 per collective or arts organisation

The grants hope to help cultivate and support artistic development despite current physical limitations. It provides an opportunity for local artists to adapt their arts practice, explore new ways of working, and experiment with new forms and ideas.

In addition to that, The Cultural Economy Development Agency (CENDANA) will also be introducing new grant programmes

Here are the three grant programmes:

- Visual Arts INSPIRE, which encourages creative exploration processes and research excursions to assist in artistic processes.

- Visual Arts SHOWCASE, which encourages and supports the contemporary expression of visual art through independent, alternative, and experimental art venues, artist-run spaces, and underserved neighbourhood culture activators.

- Independent Music Funding Programme, which supports development and creation of new, original or adapted works, live showcases, and creation of digital content.

These programmes were rolled out on 14 April, on top of the existing programmes. These existing programmes are Capacity Building and Mobility Funding Programme Cycle 2, that will prioritise local tours and activations.

CENDANA will be introducing an arts writing mentorship programme this year, to provide opportunities for artists and writers to contribute articles on the local arts and culture scene

Other training programmes are also in the works as CENDANA continues to commit and contribute to the sustainability of the arts scene.

Meanwhile, MyCreative Ventures will be rolling out their first virtual curated platform with RIUH in conjunction with Raya!

In addition to this, MyCreative Ventures continues to support creative communities by providing sales support for the publishing and fashion industries, as well as financing facilities.

Visit CENDANA's official website for more information on eligibility and how to apply

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