
Chinese Bridesmaid Choked To Death After She Was Pressured Into Drinking Hard Liquor

Baijiu contains 40% to 60% alcohol by volume.

Cover image via YouTube / ffeen

A young Chinese woman is reported to have died after drinking hard liquor at a wedding in Hainan, China on 11 September

Image via YouTube / ffeen

The 28-year-old woman, believed to be a bridesmaid, was said to have been pressured into downing glass after glass of baijiu (Chinese white wine), which contains about 40% to 60% alcohol

In a video posted on YouTube, a group of men cheered her on as the young woman drank the glass of baijiu in one go. Another man is also seen drinking the liquor from a bottle.

According to Chinese newspaper Southern Metropolis Daily, police reports say that the woman is a bridesmaid and drank a lot of baijiu that day. In Chinese weddings, the best man and bridesmaid are responsible for drinking the alcohol whenever guests toast the newlyweds.

The video then cuts to her slumped on the floor. Two men were seen pushing her along on a luggage trolley and carrying the seemingly unconscious woman out of the wedding venue.

The woman was rushed to the hospital some time after midnight, but died less than an hour later after choking on her own vomit

Image via YouTube / ffeen

People's Daily Online reports that the doctors at the hospital said the woman was already unconscious and not breathing when she was brought in.

She was pronounced dead about 40 minutes later, with the cause of death described as alcohol poisoning leading to vomit blocking the airway.

Could this have been avoided? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.

To be frank, some Chinese weddings can get pretty rowdy:

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