
Chinese Man Wrestled With A Panda To Impress His Female Friends

What was he thinking?!

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A Chinese tourist wrestled a panda after sneaking into a zoo enclosure to impress his female friends

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Guys are known to do crazy things to get the attention of their female friends, but this one definitely takes the cake.

The cheeky man, in his 20s, was visiting a zoo in the city of Jiangxi when he crossed a ditch to the panda house

He walked over to the sleeping female black and white bear and tried to get its attention. When she didn't respond he patted it on the head.

The presence of the man woke up the 117kg Mei Ling. Grumpy and obviously irritated by the sight of the unwelcomed human being, she lunged at his leg and grabbed it tightly.

When the man tried to get away, she wrestled him to the floor

There's a movie called 'Kung Fu Panda' for a reason...

The duo continued to roll on the grass until Mei Ling loosen her furry paws to allow the man to escape

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The man, identified as Chen, escaped unharmed. The 12-year-old panda was also said to be alright.

The zoo did not say whether it plans to pursue any criminal charges in the incident. But keepers have cautioned visitors not to jump into the enclosure.

Pandas may appear timid, but they can cause serious injuries with their sharp claws and teeth when agitated.

Panda one, human nil

Image via Giphy

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