
Civil Servants Who Join Bersih 5 Or Red Shirts Rallies May Face These Severe Consequences

The punitive measure by PSD include salary deduction and termination.

Cover image via Dinmerican

Severe disciplinary action awaits those civil servants who may take part in Bersih 5.0 or Red Shirts rallies this Saturday, 19 November

In a stern warning to civil servants to keep themselves from being involved in the rallies planned for this Saturday, the Public Service Department (PSD) has said that the department will take severe disciplinary action including termination and pay cut.

The warning was issued by the Chief Secretary to the Government Tan Sri Dr Ali Hamsa who said the disciplinary action will be decided upon the level of participation.

While speaking at a press conference at the Civil Service Innovation Award in Melaka International Trade Centre in Melaka today, Dr Ali Hamsa said the PSD will seek a report from relevant authorities to determine if any civil servants had joined the rallies.

Speaking about the disciplinary action, Dr Ali Hamsa said:

"Our action will depend on how far are they involved. If a civil servant serves as a 'head' in the rallies or is caught creating a stir or chaos, severe action will be meted out. We will have to gauge the seriousness," adding that while police can act on the civil servants' criminal wrongdoings, the PSD will also take disciplinary action.

According to NST, when asked how PSD plans to identify civil servants who are involved in the rallies on Saturday, Hamsa said this will be done via pictures played up in the news or social media

Civil servants, Hamsa said, should realise and not get involved in illegal rallies, and if photos of them participating in the rallies on Saturday show up in the news or social media, then the department will have no choice but to terminate them.

"We also have received complaints but then again, complaints must come with valid proof," he added, admitting that there have been participation by government staff in previous rallies but without proof the authorities could not take action against them.

Image via malaysiaoutlook

Hamsa, however, pointed out that it was important for civil servants to be more responsive towards citizens' needs and wants as providing service is different today as compared to years gone by

"Citizens can take to the social media to raise issues and it is the responsibilities of civil servants to adapt to such changes and be more responsive in attending to the issues raised by the people to better achieve their expectations," he was quoted by NST.

Meanwhile, both Bersih 5 and Red Shirts have been issued a final warning with Deputy PM Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi asking them to stand down ahead of their planned rallies this Saturday

"Action will be taken against both groups, whether red or yellow. So to prevent this from happening, both parties should call off their rallies.The police will not compromise in terms of action that will be taken against them under the law," Zahid Hamidi was quoted as saying by The Straits Times.

On the other hand, it's not just civil servants, even students have been warned of disciplinary action by two private universities:

And Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri has warned Malaysians to follow the police warnings and not take part in the rallies:

There's also another group against Bersih:

Meanwhile, in case you're headed to Bersih 5, here's your guide:

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