
Coach Of Malaysia's Para Tennis Team Reportedly Sodomised Underage Ballboys

He was attached with the national team for the past seven years.

Cover image via KL2017/YouTube

A coach who was appointed as the head ball person for Wheelchair Tennis Malaysia team during the Para KL2017 had reportedly been sodomising underage ballboys

The shocking news was reported today, 11 October, by NST Online, which said the coach was arrested at the National Tennis Centre in Jalan Duta on 21 September.

His arrest cast a shadow on what had been a historic moment for the country at the Kuala Lumpur Asean Para Games (Para KL2017) as it was the day when the national team had created history by winning two gold medals.

The para coach has now been put behind bars.

The coach was identified as Nik Muhd Nik Ibrahim

According to the report, Nik had been volunteering with the national setup for the past seven years and was not a salaried coach under the National Sports Council.

The news of the coach's sexual crimes has been devastating for Wheelchair Tennis Malaysia, whose president Lenny Ghandi said, "We were shocked, saddened and angry. The incident did not involve any national athletes and happened at the coach’s home, not at the competition venue nor the athletes’ official hotel."

"His main role with the national team was to coach and scout for players," he added.

Screenshot from the match on the day the coach was arrested.

Image via KL2017/YouTube

The WTM president said that the the news has been devastating because the coach had carried out his responsibilities well over the years and has been a big help

"As a para-sport, we've struggled to find sponsors over the years and needed help from volunteers. He never took advantage of us during his time with the national team.

"We knew that he had a small tennis academy to train able-bodied players and ballboys in Segambut, but had no idea about his personal life. To find out what he did was heartbreaking," Lenny Ghandi was quoted as saying by NST Online.

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