
Construction Worker Gives Up His Seat For Elderly Woman Who Wouldn't Sit Beside Him On MRT

He gave up his seat to the aunty despite the seat beside him being empty.

Cover image via Regina Yqh & Southtown Boy (edited)

Earlier this week, in an awkward incident that happened on an MRT train, a construction worker gave up his seat for an elderly woman who seemed reluctant to sit on an empty seat beside him

According to a viral Facebook post by a woman named Regina Yqh, the Indian man was seated opposite her with an empty seat beside him.

"After some time, one elderly Chinese aunty boarded the train. She appeared reluctant to sit down and exchanged eye contact with him as if he needs to stand up before she agrees to sit down," the woman wrote on her post on 17 July.

She added that following the staredown by the elderly aunty, the man stood up to give the seats and let the aunty hog on the two empty seats.

While the man was humble enough to let the elderly aunty have both the seats, she gave him a look as if he did something wrong

"The man seems fine but awkward. He is nice enough to give up the seats," read the Facebook post, which has garnered thousands of Reactions and over 1.8k shares.

The woman who wrote the post then added that seeing how the man appeared awkward, she immediately stood up and offered to change her seat with him.

"Because come on, why doesn't he deserve a seat? We are all paying transport fare, isn't it?" she wrote, adding that she then sat down beside the elderly aunty.

"Treat others as to how you wish to be treated"

"Hope this message will reach out to as many possible. Let's do a small favour to make this stressful world a better place, be it a construction worker or whatsoever," she ended her Facebook post while urging others to be considerate.

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