
Don't Post Selfies Online Because Bomohs May Use Them For Black Magic

Time to stop taking selfies?

Cover image via ShopSelfieStick

A CyberSecurity Malaysia officer has warned Malaysians against taking selfies and uploading them to social media. The reason? Black magic.

Photo used for illustration purposes only.

Image via ShopSelfieStick

Jazannul Azriq Aripin, a communications officer at government ministry CyberSecurity Malaysia, said he's aware of cases where shamans, or "bomoh," have snagged pictures of their victims from social-media pages to perform black magic rituals.

"Do not be surprised if the 'bomoh' themselves are getting smarter and they may have installed wireless broadband to launch their black magic," he said, according to local media.

"So, avoid uploading pictures of yourself to avoid the threat of black magic."

Although he did not explain further about the cases or the relation between "black magic" and selfies, Jazannul, did offer some advice on how to be safe on the Internet

Jazanul also warned social media users from posting other personal details such as phone numbers and home addresses as well indecent pictures.

CyberSecurity Malaysia is an agency under the Science Technology and Innovation Ministry. It was launched in 2007 by former prime minister Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi to promote cybersecurity.

Malaysians have considered bomohs as healing medicine men with divine power from as early as the 17th century.

'Raja Bomoh' Ibrahim Mat Zin is one of the most popular bomohs in Malaysia in recent times, after he came into prominence for wielding large green coconuts and using bamboo binoculars as part of a ritual to locate the missing flight MH370.

'Raja Bomoh' and his assistants performed a ritual to locate the missing flight MH370 back in 2014.

Image via Hype My

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