
He Was Diagnosed With ADHD At 4. Here's How Dancing Helped Him Overcome The Disorder

He now no longer needs daily medication, and his mom says he's "a different child."


This is Pierson Feeney. After being diagnosed with ADHD at the age four, he began to show differences in behaviour that led doctors to put him on morning and night doses of prescription medicine.

However, according to his mother, Marsha Feeney, the medicines only made Pierson's condition worse. He developed ticks and his ADHD got so severe that by the time he was 9, it was hard for the family to go out in public together.

"His ADHD was disrupting our whole family. We, at the time, could not go to dinner. We could not go to birthday parties. We pretty much stayed home," she told the SunHerald.

As his condition worsened, his mother was desperate to help him

She noticed that Pierson constantly shuffled his feet, so she asked if taking tap dancing lessons would be something he would like.

"Now, Pierson is a different child. He says his dance is how he gets out his frustration and how he gets his excitement out."

What started as a couple of tap classes now encompasses every single dance class offered at Elaine Kulick's performing art school: ballet, jazz, hip-hop, contemporary, ballroom and house. He also takes tumbling and acting classes.

Pierson Feeney works with ballet instructor Vasily Lunde.


This video shows how dancing helped Pierson overcome ADHD:

Boy overcomes ADHD with dance

Dancing helped this 11-year-old boy overcome ADHD — he no longer needs daily medication, and his mom says he's "a different child."

Posted by The Kansas City Star on Wednesday, March 30, 2016

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Previously, we featured a video interview by a Malaysian who wanted to find out what are the kind of compromises interracial couples make in order to live together. Watch it here:

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