
The Air Freshener You Use Might Be Affecting Your Organs Says Malaysian Research

Your car may smell like a field of flowers, but your health may be at risk. Read on.

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Tests by the Malaysian Association of Standards Users show that six commonly used air fresheners contain high levels of dangerous chemicals

Test shows that air fresheners contain high levels of dangerous chemicals

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Six commonly used household air freshener products found at supermarkets and shops nationwide were tested by a consumer group for four dangerous chemicals such as, toluene, benzene, formaldehyde and phthalates. Two of the air fresheners were found to contain toluene, which can cause damage to the liver, kidney and brain over long-term usage.

All were found to contain relatively high levels of at least one of these chemicals, with phthalates – which are endocrine disrupting substances (EDS) – found in four of the six products.

“It can also stunt the development of vital organs and cause miscarriages. The extent of the damage, however, depends on the individual’s health, with pregnant women and children at higher risk.”

[INFOGRAPHICS] How your organs and health may be at risk when you inhale air fresheners

All were found to contain relatively high levels of at least one of these chemicals, with phthalates – which are endocrine disrupting substances (EDS) – found in four of the six products.

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CEO of the Malaysian Association of Standards Users says that it could cause men to be more feminine and vice versa

Long-term exposure to EDS can lead to irreversible damage to the immune system and the brain. According to Ratna Devi Nadarajan, the CEO of the Malaysian Association of Standards Users that conducted the test, EDS could even cause males to act more feminine and vice-versa.

DBP=di-butyl phthalate—has been linked with changes in hormone levels, poor semen quality, and changes in genital development.

“At the very least, these chemicals can cause headaches, nausea and depression,” she said.

It's even more harmful when used in confined spaces like a car

It's even more harmful when used in confined spaces like a car

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Ratna pointed out that many people, especially in urban areas, spent a few hours in their cars every day, inhaling the chemicals from the air fresheners.

When in a confined environment like in a car with very little fresh air, she said the chemicals were more harmful.

With the advent of newer testing equipment along with greater volumes of research scientists have disproved that you have to have a high toxic exposure to have harmful health effects. Sometimes even seemingly miniscule amounts can have serious health consequences.

No follow-up action has been made since the initial report sent to the health and trade ministries back in 2011

Malaysian Association of Standards Users' CEO, Ratna Devi Nadarajan, said the report was sent to the Health and Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumerism ministries as well as to Standards Malaysia in 2011.

“Apart from one meeting facilitated by Standards Malaysia, there was no follow-up action taken. These products are still available in the market,” she said.

“After the meeting, the Domestic Trade Cooperatives and Consumerism Ministry was to decide on the next course of action.

“However, the ministry later responded saying the regulation of air fresheners was not a priority at the moment,” he said.

What now? Should we be throwing our air fresheners away?

“There is no international standard on air fresheners or any proof that they are harmful to humans. “We can’t simply ban a product without any evidence that it is harmful as that would be a trade barrier,” he said.

Ratna said they were still waiting for data on the limitation and regulation of air fresheners from the local regulators as well as other countries to do a comparison.

Consumers should avoid using air fresheners too often and instead opt for natural ventilation and hygiene at home, she advised.

National Poison Centre consultant Dr T. Jayabalan warned that there could be a delayed onset of the harm from using air fresheners making it difficult to link it to the cause.

Elsewhere: Some called the NRDC (America's National Resource Defense Council) testing procedures into question since it didn't take into account factors such as the size of the room it is dispensed in, a person's distance from the product and the time they stay in a room.

Use natural alternatives instead, they say

We got this tip from a friend: make a bunch of roses using pandan leaves, tie it up like a bouquet and place it the car. That’s a natural car fresher for you! Not only it is beautiful, it smells lovely too.

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Pandanus amaryllifolius! Fresh pandan leaves to keep the roaches away.

She suggested natural alternatives such as pandan leaves, lemongrass and charcoal.

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