
Girl Who Tries To Help Her Dad Gets Condemned For Posting In English Instead

On 28 September, Khairunhanisah Azlan Hanif posted a notice on Facebook asking for help on behalf of her father. Instead, she was criticised for using a language apart from her mother tongue.

Cover image via SAYS

From the start, Khairunhanisah's intention was to help her dad who's a cancer patient to retrieve back stolen medical documents from a recent car break-in

She did something very common these days - to use the influence and mass reach of social media for help. However, her good intentions were overlooked and criticised by some netizens for ​using English to communicate.

The comments were first spotted on popular Malay site OH!BULAN. We checked and realised the comments are now hidden or have been deleted.

Some lamented that world leaders use their mother tongue, like the Prime Minister of Japan

Image via OH!BULAN

... while this netizen recommended her to take up BM class

Image via OH!BULAN

Others were offended that a Malay didn't speak BM but chose a 'white man's language'

Image via OH!BULAN
Image via OH!BULAN

We're glad she reached out to get help on Facebook, whatever language she chose to communicate in. Share this to help Khairunhanisah spread the word!

On another note, these 3 college students went the to streets blindfolded to remind us we're all Malaysians first:

Also, Roshan and Shinna who belong to two different racial ethnicities shared to us the beauty of interracial relationships:

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