
Delivery Driver Who Waited In His Car For New Orders Gets Fined RM1,000 For Loitering

Melaka police chief ACP Datuk Abdul Majid Mohd Ali said he will find out the rationale behind the deliveryman's compound.

Cover image via Oriental Daily & Sin Chew Daily via RojakLah

A 29-year-old deliveryman on duty who was waiting for new orders in his car was fined RM1,000 for loitering without any purpose by the police

According to China Press, the incident took place on Jalan Eye of Malaysia in Kota Laksamana, Melaka at about 6pm on 22 January.

At the time, victim Micheal Un Chee Wee was eating in his car while waiting for new orders.

However, before he could take a breather, three police officers who shared a vehicle pulled over and approached him.

Without any explanation, the officers asked for Un's identification card and issued him a RM1,000 compound for loitering.

29-year-old Micheal Un Chee Wee who works as a deliveryman for a local restaurant in Melaka.

Image via Oriental Daily

Un said the police officers did not even ask for his employment letter before issuing the compound

He told the police officers that he works for a restaurant, but they did not say much in return, reported Oriental Daily.

According to him, the police took some photos and immediately issued him the compound.

"The police wrote on the ticket that I was loitering for no reason, which made me feel very surprised because I was working. And because the incident happened too abruptly, I was frightened by the compound and panicked," he said.

Image via Oriental Daily

The 29-year-old said there were joggers and other drivers staying in their cars nearby at that time too, but he was the only person who was fined.

It is believed that Un was only parked five minutes away from the restaurant he works at during the incident.

He initially wanted to pay the RM1,000 fine on that day itself, but his cousin thought that the police's reason for issuing the fine was unfounded

Hence, Un sought help from Kota Laksamana assemblyperson Low Chee Leong.

In a statement, Low said he understood that the authorities are doing their jobs to ensure the public comply with the standard operation procedures (SOPs) during the Movement Control Order (MCO), but he believes that the police might have abused their power in this particular incident.

"At that time, the victim was alone in the car, and the police issued a RM1,000 fine without making an effort to understand where the victim was coming from," he said.

"(The fine) is very hefty for a worker, and the victim did not violate any SOPs."

Low contended that the reason for the fine is inexplicable and illogical. Therefore, he will bring the victim to meet the Melaka police chief to look into the case.

Kota Laksamana assemblyperson Low Chee Leong.

Image via MelakaKini

When contacted by The Star, state police chief DCP Datuk Abdul Majid Mohd Ali said he will investigate the matter.

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Recently, a woman was fined RM1,000 even though she was travelling within a 10km radius from her home:

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