
Everything You Need To Know About The Latest KK Mart Controversy

In a statement to SAYS, the convenience store chain denied responsibility and pinned the blame on the supplier, Shake & Bake Cafe.

Cover image via FMT

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KK Mart has become embroiled in another controversy, with the convenience store chain accused of selling 'ham & cheese' sandwiches bearing the halal logo at its outlets within Universiti Malaya (UM)

"This issue was raised by an individual from [the National Islamic Youth Association of] Universiti Malaya, who found the product at the KK Concept Store in UM," KK Mart said in a statement to SAYS.

The issue arose after the two KK Mart outlets in UM were accused of selling food with a "fake halal logo", as neither the sandwich nor the store held halal certification or status.

The Department of Islamic Development Malaysia (JAKIM) has since confirmed that the product lacked the Malaysian halal Certification, and the manufacturing company was not a certificate holder.

The issue escalated after UMNO Youth chief Datuk Dr Muhamad Akmal Saleh stated that ham is associated with pork

"Do you know what ham is? It contains pork, including pork meat. They are selling ham and cheese in UM, where most of the students are Malay," he said, questioning when ham became considered halal.

"Okay lah, maybe it is acceptable for the children of Chinese, Indian, or non-Malay parents."

According to Malaysiakini, when Akmal was reminded that there is also chicken and turkey ham, the Merlimau assemblyperson said the requirements dictate the halal logo must specify this, but it was not done.

In its statement, KK Mart has clarified that the ham was not pork-based, but chicken-based.

Image via FMT

The convenience store chain denied responsibility and placed the blame squarely on the supplier, Shake & Bake Cafe

In its statement, KK Mart highlighted that the supplier was not authorised to use the KK Super Mart logo on the sandwich packaging, implying that Shake & Bake Cafe acted independently.

It also stated that Shake & Bake Cafe provided a halal certificate for the chicken ham and cheese layers used in the sandwich, adding that the food manufacturer had also supplied the wording for the product.

According to KK Mart, it has filed a police report over the matter and is planning to take legal action against Shake and Bake Cafe. It has also frozen business dealings with the supplier.

"KK Mart also takes the matter seriously and once again emphasises its commitment to cooperating with the authorities in assisting investigations. To safeguard the trust and safety of our customers, full cooperation will be provided to ensure strict actions are taken against any party that undermines the confidence and well-being of our customers," it said in the statement.

Earlier, UM had closed the two outlets:

Prior to this, KK Mart was fined RM60,000 for intentionally wounding the feelings of others over socks bearing the word 'Allah' last year:

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