From 'I Am #26' To '#KamiJuga25', The Voice Of Moderation Is Roaring Louder
Open letters calling for Najib to review the direction of the country in terms of the implementation of Islamic laws are flooding the gates of Putrajaya.
Support Have Been Rolling In For The 25 Eminent Malays Who Penned An Open Letter Asking For Rational Dialogue On The Position Of Islam In Malaysia
Another group of Malaysians have come up with an open letter in support of reasonable, rational and informed dialogue today, adding to the lively discourse following a similar message by 25 former high-ranking civil servants last week.

Yesterday, The 'I Am #26' Petition Calling For Prime Minister Najib To Assert His Leadership And Review The Direction Of Islamic Laws In Malaysia Was Launched
"As concerned Malay, Muslim citizens of Malaysia, the signatories of this petition hereby call for the effective leadership of our esteemed Prime Minister to:
1) Review the Syariah Criminal Offences (SCO) laws of Malaysia.
2) Increase awareness of elected members of parliament and the public on the legal jurisdiction and substantive limits of the powers of the religious authorities and administration of Islamic laws in Malaysia.
3) Call for meaningful consultation from the civil society on ways Islam is used as a source of public law and policy in this country.
4) Promote awareness of the rich diversity of interpretive texts and juristic opinions in the Islamic tradition.
5) Assert his personal leadership as well as appoint key leaders who will, in all fairness, champion open and coherent debate and discourse on the administration of Islamic laws in this country to ensure that justice is done.
It is a principal feature of the Islamic faith that the “middle way” be the path that Muslims adhere to. When Muslims deal with one another, they should incline towards clemency and mercy, not wrath and severity. It is in this spirit that we call for this consultative process, and as Malay, Muslim citizens of Malaysia, we want to see a Malaysia that is just, progressive and worthy of becoming a developed nation.
See the full petition here.
Malaysians Prove That The Desire For Moderation In Malaysia Is Not Only Amongst The Influential Malays. Today, 18 December, Another Open Letter Called #KamiJuga25 (We Are 25 Too) Was Published.
Another group of Malaysians have come up with an open letter in support of reasonable, rational and informed dialogue today, adding to the lively discourse following a similar message by 25 former high-ranking civil servants last week. Calling itself #KamiJuga25, Malay for “We are 25 too”, the group aims to get “everyday Malaysians” to chip in the conversation in support of the original 25 signatories, not just from the Malay-Muslim community.

From Retired Nurses To Lawyers, Housewives To Marketing Managers, The Letter Was Signed By Everyday Malaysians To Strengthen The Moderate And Progressive Voices Of Malaysia
“In almost every letter we have seen distinguished recognisable names listed in as signatories. This letter is intended to allow for the everyday Malaysian to also say ‘kami juga 25’,” co-creator Azrul Mohd Khalib told Malay Mail Online. “It is intended to complement existing efforts and to strengthen the voices which are getting louder by the day,” added Azrul, who is part of social movement called Malaysians for Malaysia.

It Was Addressed To The Prime Minister, Asking For The Country's Leaders To Stand With Fellow Malaysians And Deliver The Promise Of A Common Vision Of A Nation That "Celebrates Unity Of Its People Through Diversity"
"We call upon the leadership of this country to stand with other fellow Malaysians in delivering on the belief and promise of a common vision and a shared destiny: a just, free and caring nation of ideas, of dreams and of promises which promote inclusiveness and celebrates the unity of its people through diversity."

Malaysia Cannot Claim that It Is A Model Country For Moderation And Progressive Islam When It Oppresses Other Faiths, Punishes Moderates And Protects Extremists And Radicals, Says The Letter
"Malaysia cannot stand in the eyes of the world and claim that it is a model country for moderation and progressive Islam when it violates the very guarantees and teachings of the religion regarding other faiths, oppresses and punishes moderates, rewards and protects extremists and radicals.
As Malaysians, we must find the courage within us to acknowledge and fight injustice. If we disagree with others, let’s not ban them. Let’s engage, discuss, argue and work to convince. The Federal Constitution of Malaysia guarantees the right to freedom of expression."

The #KamiJuga25 Letter Was Uploaded On Global Petition Platform Where Supporters Can Also Pledge Their Support By Signing The Petition
Azrul said he was inspired to draft the letter together with writer and activist Mohani Niza following the letter by those dubbed “prominent Malays”, and saw it as an opportunity to further strengthen the moderate and progressive voices.

Read the full letter here.

In Solidarity Of The Voices Of Moderation, Malaysians Have Been Uploading Photos Of Themselves With The Hashtag #KamiJuga25