
#GE15: Titiwangsa Residents Give Props To Johari Ghani's Efforts On The Ground

"He never forgets that we are here," a resident of the PKNS flats situated at Jalan Tun Razak said.

Cover image via @NST_Online (Twitter) & New Straits Times

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The 15th General Election (GE15) is drawing close, and many candidates have been hard at work campaigning and trying to win the votes of the people.

But it seems that Barisan Nasional (BN) Titiwangsa candidate Datuk Seri Johari Abdul Ghani has already done so as Titiwangsa residents commend his consistent care and thought for them.

According to Berita Harian, residents of Kampung Padang, Titiwangsa have lauded the former second finance minister for always being available to the people and being of great help.

A resident, 44-year-old Azlita Ali, of the PKNS flats on Jalan Tun Razak, said that Johari has always remembered his people and continues to do good work for the community.

"He is kind and always helps the people here, including me and my family. Recently, I underwent breast cancer surgery, which he helped pay for."

"That's not all, [he helps with] kitchen and school supplies as well. Even though he is not a [member of parliament] here, he always goes out to help. People here know of his services. I hope he can lead this area again," the resident said.

Other residents of the area described the Titiwangsa candidate as "kind" and "charitable".

"He was indeed kind, always helping people, regardless of the time and circumstances. Not only did he come to visit, but he did more than that. Even when he was not a representative of the people, he did help," a senior resident, Munah Man, said.

Johari reportedly made house-to-house visits in the PKNS flats area yesterday, 15 November.

Johari meeting with the residents in the PKNS flats.

Image via Aswadi Alias/New Straits Times

Johari has pledged that he will fight for the rights of the people's housing if he were to succeed in becoming the Titiwangsa member of parliament (MP)

He promised the residents in Titiwangsa that no one will be deceived or tricked out of their housing by developers and ensured that their homes are protected from development projects.

"Any developers who want to run a project need to see me as a housing expert. I will hear whether the developer is a cross-section of residents or not. I am for the residents, so they will be safe."

"That's why when I was Titiwangsa MP from 2013 to 2018, no one was tricked. I made UDA Legasi ready, the Saloma Shortcut Bridge ready, and many other projects were carried out," the BN candidate said.

He also said that he will be looking into improving the living conditions of Titiwangsa residents. From his visits, Johari said he has noticed that many of the houses are old and cramped, with many family members living together.

"This is a problem I want to solve. They expect leaders in the region who can solve their problems," he told reporters.

Johari at the launch of the Housing and National Property Peak Session in 2017.

Image via Berita Harian

Johari remains positive about securing the Titiwangsa seat after receiving a warm response during his nine days of campaigning in the area

The former second finance minister said that the reception to his candidacy has been very positive, especially in areas such as Kampung Baru, Kampung Pandan, Kampung Datuk Keramat, Setapak, Cochrane, and Maluri.

As the campaign period continues for two more days before the election on 19 November, the former Titiwangsa MP called for clean politics during this time.

"I want to make sure that during this period of time there are no elements of slander or cases that manipulate people's minds. That's why I'm actively stepping out, I don't want people to choose the wrong vote for the second time," he said.

Johari will be facing a four-cornered battle for the Titiwangsa seat in this year's general election.

He will be going up against Khalid Abdul Samad from Pakatan Harapan (PH), Datuk Seri Khairuddin Abu Hassan from PEJUANG, and Dr Rosni Adam from Perikatan Nasional (PN).

Candidates gunning for the Titiwangsa seat in GE15.

Image via New Straits Times

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