
Get A Second Job To Cope With Rising Cost Of Living, Says Debt Management Agency

Bank Negara's Credit Counselling and Debt Management Agency (AKPK) has a few advice to help people better manage their household debts.

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Malaysians Should Take A Second Job To Cope With Rising Household Debt, Says The Credit Counselling and Debt Management Agency (AKPK)

Malaysians Should Take A Second Job To Cope With Rising Household Debt, Says The Credit Counselling and Debt Management Agency (AKPK).

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The Credit Counselling and Debt Management Agency (AKPK) has urged Malaysians to take a second job to help them tackle the high rate of household debt.

"Teachers Could Earn More Money By Giving Tuition To Students In The Evening. By Doing That, They Could Help Their Spouses In Handling The Household Debt And Also The Rising Cost Of Living."

Chief executive officer Koid Swee Lian said those in the teaching line, for example, could give extra classes to earn more money

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Chief executive officer Koid Swee Lian (pic) said those in the teaching line, for example, could give extra classes to earn more money. "Teachers could earn more money by giving tuition to students in the evening. By doing that, they could help their spouses in handling the household debt and also the rising cost of living.

Breadwinners Are Also Encouraged To Share Their Financial Problems With Their Family To Be Reminded Not To Overspend

"I also urge the breadwinner, who is the person who earns money to support their family, to share his or her financial problems with the family members so that they will be reminded not to overspend," she told the media.

AKPK CEO Koid Swee Lian Says People Must Have Proper Financial Planning To Prepare For A Rainy Day

Chief executive officer Koid Swee Lian

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In her speech, Koid said people must have proper financial planning, urging them to save for life's surprises or emergencies and to provide for their retirement as well.

AKPK Was Established By Bank Negara To Help People Take Control Of Their Financial Situation

The Credit Counselling and Debt Management Agency.

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The Credit Counselling and Debt Management Agency, or commonly known as Agensi Kaunseling dan Pengurusan Kredit (AKPK), is an agency set up by Bank Negara Malaysia in April 2006 to help individuals take control of their financial situation and gain peace of mind that comes from the wise use of credit.

AKPK offers the following services to individuals, free of charge: Financial education on the responsible use of money and credit management skills, Counselling and advice on financial management, Debt management programme to assist consumers to regain financial control.

They Deal With Distressed Consumers Who Have Poor Financial Management On A Daily Basis

She said AKPK encounters on a daily basis financially distressed consumers who are clueless about their cash flow, having overspent and lived beyond their means. The agency has been helping people through its Debt Management Programme (DMP), and expects to assist more this year.

It was reported that the growth in household debt in 2013 has slowed down to 11.7 per cent compared to the 13.5 per cent increase seen in 2012.

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