
"Get Lost You Devil" – Screaming Match Ensues At UTC Shah Alam Between Officer And Father

The officer has been transferred to a different division.

Cover image via Malaysian Passport & @isusemasaviral (Twitter)

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A TikTok video of a shouting match between an immigration officer and a man recently went viral and had many divided on who was in the wrong

During the altercation, both individuals were heard yelling back and forth with a few insults thrown in. 

The incident was believed to have happened on 10 August, but it only came to light earlier this week.

According to Utusan Malaysia, the man and his child had reportedly been waiting since 4.30pm for their passports to be renewed at the immigration office in Kuala Selangor. The father was there initially as the particular office was closer to his home.

After waiting for close to two hours, he was called to the counter but was told that the system was allegedly down, so he was asked to travel to another office to renew the passports.

The father and his child then proceeded to travel to the office that was located at the Anggerik Mall Urban Transformation Centre (UTC) in Shah Alam

Upon reaching there at 6.30pm, the father and child were each given a queue number. He was then called up to the counter only for the officer to once again say that the system was down.

He was told that he would be served again at 8pm.

However, once 8.30pm rolled around, the father found that he had still not been called up and worst of all, his queue number was skipped. He immediately went to the counter to speak with a supervisor, only to be asked why he didn't just go to the counter when it was his turn.

Already upset with the situation, he lamented that he was not happy with the service provided by the officers. In his anger, he proceeded to kick a metal pole whilst expressing that the officers were playing games with him.

Things got heated when a female officer began to lose her temper as well and reprimanded the father using strong language

The video shows the female officer jumping into the situation and beginning to hurl curses at the father, even banging on a counter table and telling the father to get out and go away. She even calls the father 'stupid' and 'a devil'.

Based on the video, he retaliates by yelling that he has a recording of the whole situation and that the officers were playing games with him.

The man was told to not return to the office with his family ever again.

A police report was lodged by the father following the incident and the case was referred to the Selangor Immigration Department for further investigation.

In a statement made to reporters, Shah Alam district police chief ACP Mohd Iqbal Ibrahim said that the incident contained no criminal elements and happened due to the father's dissatisfaction with the service officers.

The officer has now been transferred to a different, undisclosed division, according to Immigration Department head director Datuk Seri Khairul Dzaimee Daud

The director made a statement to reporters on Sunday, 21 August, saying, "Shouting and saying foul words towards a member of the public are actions that should not be done by an immigration officer, who are public servants. Officers have to be able to control themselves and take a professional approach when faced with verbal provocation by members of the public because they have been given the appropriate training to do so."

However, he also added that he did not approve of the other party for provoking and escalating the matter. While any officer who acts unprofessionally will be held accountable for their actions, he will not tolerate any attempts to tarnish the image and reputation of the Immigration Department.

Director-general of the Immigration Department Datuk Seri Khairul Dzaimee Daud

Image via Utusan Malaysia

The video of the altercation can be found below:

Many Malaysians have experienced the tedious process of trying to renew their passports:

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