
Good Samaritan Helps Mother Who Left Her 12-Year-Old Child Behind At An R&R

The family had driven at least 14km away before they realised their daughter was not with them.

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The balik kampung trip can be a hectic one, as the following case will prove.

On Monday, 3 June, a mother tweeted out for help after she mistakenly left her daughter behind at a petrol station

"Whoever is near Temerloh, please help. I left my young daughter at the Temerloh R&R Shell station," the tweet read.

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The family had already driven at least 14km away before realising that they left their 12-year-old daughter behind

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In a reply to a concerned netizen, the mother clarified that her daughter did not have a phone.

Thankfully, an employee at the Shell Temerloh station was kind enough to help transport their daughter back to her family

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The family was reunited 50 minutes after the first tweet was posted.

"May Allah generously bless all of you who retweeted and the Shell employee named Suria who was determined to reunite a daughter with her mother," the tweet read.

Suria's determination earned her praise from netizens, who called on Shell Malaysia to reward her for her actions.

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When some netizens questioned how she could have forgotten her child, the mother explained that she had six sleeping children with her

Some of the children had gone down to pray, while some of them were sitting outside the car.

"When I saw my eldest child get into the car, I thought they had brought all their siblings along," she tweeted.

"I just continued the journey. Suddenly, the Shell staff called to say we left one child behind. We were already entering Maran at that point."

Some netizens also offered "helpful" suggestions for the parents to use in the near future

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"Every time the car moves, my father will definitely do a roll call for every one of his children. Maybe you can practise this as well," one netizen said.

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Another one said, "After this, don't forget to count your children. May all of them be safe."

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