How To Care For Your Pet: Haze Tips For Animal Lovers
While we are busy protecting ourselves from the haze, don't forget that the pets in our house are also breathing in the same polluted, smokey air. Here are some tips on how to protect your pets from the haze.
How will the haze affect my pet?
As animals have an increased sensitivity to foreign particles, the constant exposure to a polluted and smoky environment may irrefutably put them in a position to develop medical conditions.
venusbuzz.comSmoke haze can cause your pets to have: An irritated nose and throat, An increased mucus production, A tendency to cough, Eye irritations (e.g. redness and discharge), Skin irritations (e.g. rashes and allergies), Lung problems if severe (e.g. bronchitis and asthma), Dr Dawn Chong from The Animal Clinic said this week owners have been bringing pets to her veterinary clinic for haze-related symptoms, including respiratory problems, asthma, coughing and breathing difficulties.
yahoo.comRicky Yeo, President of Action for Dogs (ASD) noticed that some of the dogs at the adoption and rescue centre have been tearing up more than usual.
yahoo.comKucing Terbiar Anjing Jalanan (KTAJ) volunteer Rina Zahid noticed that her cats did not seem to be affected as they stay indoors but she has seen a marked difference in her dog, which seemed to be more lethargic. Dr S. Vellayan observed that birds, especially the free-flying painted stock, are getting up about an hour later than usual to look for food. “This could indicate interference in their vision due to the haze”. pets are more at risk?
According to Dr. Dawn Chong from The Animal Clinic, younger animals and breeds that are flat-faced or have shorter snouts (e.g. Persians and Pugs) are more vulnerable to haze-related diseases.
venusbuzz.comThe same applies to animals with a history of heart, lung, kidney and eye problems.
venusbuzz.comHow to protect your fur kids this haze season (Click to view)
How do I know if my pet is sick?
Monitor your pets for redness in the eye, abnormal eye discharge, excessive sneezing or coughing.
empowernetwork.comThis is cute, but might harm your dog
While some animal lovers might want to protect their pets with makeshift masks such as these, Dr Chong warns that it is in fact dangerous for the pets as such masks obscure their mouths, not allowing them to dispel heat, which might lead to a heatstroke.