
Hishammuddin Says That He Has Been Compounded By MOH After Caught Vaping In Parliament

However, the minister did not reveal the amount he was compounded.

Cover image via Twitter @shamienhereyo & The Leaders Online

After he was caught vaping during a Parliament sitting, Foreign Affairs Minister Hishammuddin Hussein said that he has been compounded by the Ministry of Health (MOH)

On Thursday, 6 August, a video of the minister slipping an e-cigarette under his face mask while in the Dewan Rakyat chamber went viral.

He then went on to apologise and said, "Sorry, I didn't realise - it's a new habit. I apologise to the Dewan and promise to not do it again."

A few hours after his first apology, he announced on Twitter that he had been fined by MOH.

He wrote, "Yes, it was a mistake and I admitted it. I have always mantained that no one should be above the rules. [MOH] has compounded me, and I will pay the fine."

Hishammuddin also issued a statement on Facebook and wrote, "Again, I apologise to the honorable Dewan Rakyat as well as all Malaysian citizens. I promise to not repeat this mistake."

He then added, "I stand by the fact that no one is above the law. MOH has issued a compound against me - I will pay. Thank you everyone for the reminders and advice."

According to The Star, anyone found breaking the law can be slapped with a maximum of RM500 compound and can be fined up to RM10,000 or face imprisonment of up to two months, or both.

Meanwhile, Hishammuddin did not reveal the amount he was compounded.

Kluang Member of Parliament (MP) Wong Shu Qi raised the matter yesterday during a Parliament sitting and requested for Hishammuddin to apologise to the members of the floor

According to Malay Mail, she cited Standing Order 41 (d) which states that an MP is not allowed to smoke in the Dewan Rakyat chamber when a sitting is in session.

"According to Twitter, it was raised that Sembrong MP was vaping on Monday when the Transport Minister was speaking," she said.

"The Home Minister (Hishammuddin) himself has already admitted it on his Twitter account."

In 2018, the Parliament building was declared as a no-smoking zone:

Here are more updates about what has been happening in Parliament:

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