
How To Publicly Humiliate Yourself On The Road In 8 Simple Ways

Live. Humiliate. Repeat.

Cover image via Atie Abdul Hamid

1. Repeatedly slap a car wash worker for sitting in your car when he is doing so only as part of his job to clean the vehicle

rakaman cctv seorang lelaki melayu memukul seorang bangla yg tgh cuci kereta kerana marah bangla masuk dalam kereta dan myebabkan keretanya kotor... mungkin bangla tu kotor berpakaian lusuh dan hina... kemudian tidak mahu membayar sebaliknya meminta wang rm1000 kerana duduk dan mengotorkn keretanya ketika mengelap cermin... siapa pun kita, sekaya mana pun kita... jgn terlalu angkuh dan bongkak dgn mereka yg dipandang hina... npk mmg sikit... tp smp skrg darah x berhenti... bangla refer klinik... klinik kata patah/bengkak teruk n refer hospital * semoga diberi hidayah kpdnya... saya maafkan & halalkn upah cuci kereta td... jangan terlalu mendongak ke langit...

Posted by Atie Abdul Hamid on Saturday, October 17, 2015

Earlier on 17 October, a CCVT footage showing a local repeatedly slapping a car wash employee, believed to be a Bangladeshi, went viral on Facebook. According to car wash owner Atie Abdul Hamid, the man got angry with the worker, accusing him of dirtying his car.

"The man did not want to pay for the car wash, and instead asked for RM1,000 for the man sitting and dirtying his car when he was trying to clean the windscreen," said Atie, adding that the worker was "bleeding non-stop" from his nose

After the video went viral, social media users commented on it, criticising the man for being arrogant and a bully. His actions have triggered resentment from netizens labeling him as insolent and bigoted. Later, he was detained by police for attacking the worker.

2. Grab your helmet and aggressively charge towards a car on the move because you want to rob the people inside

A Penang motorist who first knocked on the window of a car which was taking a turn from Jalan Air Itam to do a U-turn to Jalan Datuk Keramat, and then tried to hit the car again. He then rode ahead and stopped his bike by the roadside and took off his helmet and charged towards the approaching car in a provoking and attacking manner.

Unfortunately for him, the driver didn't stop the car and instead hit the motorist. Fortunately for the car driver, he had his dash cam on and drove his car straight to the police station to lodge a report.

3. Hit a woman with an umbrella and spit on her after she alerts you that you almost hit her 68-year-old mother while reversing your car

According to Miri police Chief ACP Gan Tian Kee, the 44-year-old victim had lodged a police report about the incident. He said the victim claimed that the incident happened after she screamed to alert the driver who nearly hit her 68-year-old mother while reversing her car. The victim claimed the suspect got out of the vehicle in an aggressive manner carrying an umbrella, and then hit her three times on the head and also spit at her, he added.

4. Assault another driver with a sickle and threaten his life after he shouts at you for knocking his car from behind

The incident, captured by a dashcam and uploaded online, saw the two drivers arguing with each other after exiting their vehicles which were parked in the middle of the road. Before stopping their vehicles, both men were seen exchanging words in an aggressive manner while still in their cars.

The Sentra driver who accidentally had knocked the other car first took out a sickle from his car and gripped the other driver's hair with the tool. He then punched the other driver's right cheek and his nose before a passer-by intervened in the fight.

5. Spit on a fellow driver's windscreen and break its wiper because you don't like being honked at for recklessly switching lanes

Image via Alisia Thean

According to the incident posted on Facebook, the 58-year-old was recklessly switching lanes but didn't like being honked at by a woman driver behind him. So he took out his frustrations on her by wrecking her car and spitting on her windscreen.

He was arrested by police within 24 hours from his residence in Subang Jaya.

6. Gang up with your friends and mercilessly kick, punch and beat a biker to pulp because he honked after you ride past him in a dangerous manner on your stolen motorcycle with no license plate

The video shows two bikers hitting another biker violently while a third biker shoots it. Two of them were remanded for kicking, punching and hit the man using a helmet. Later, they were sentenced to 13 months of prison by the Magistrate for causing grievous harm.

7. Make racist remarks towards a couple after they admit their fault for mistakenly rear-ending your car

An elderly Malaysian woman launched into a full-blown attack of accusations and racist remarks (like 'pariah') at a Singaporean who rear-ended her car near the Singapore customs in Woodlands. The middle-aged woman then demanded immediate compensation while a teenage girl kicks the victim's car in a fit. Dean Syed who uploaded the video recorded by his wife, claims that he honked at the woman who reacted by jamming on her brakes which caused the minor collision.

8. Unleash your tantrums on an elderly uncle and bang the bonnet of his car because of a slight fender bender

Kiki, aka Siti Fairrah Ashykin Kamaruddin, unleashed her tantrums with her steering wheel lock on the car of a Sim Siak Hong. Kiki, who was fined RM5,000 including 240 hours of community work by the Kuantan Sessions Court after bashing the car of a senior citizen and hurling insults at him even after he agreed to compensate her for what looks like a minor scrape, later pleaded with fellow Malaysians to stop hurling verbal abuses at her.

"I admit this is my biggest mistake and I know it is hard but I hope Malaysians can forgive me. That one-minute video has ruined my life."


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