
'Indelible Ink' Used By Voters At SJK Thai Kwang In Dudong Washes Away, Claims Pemantau

The claim is only for one polling station.

Cover image via BERSIH 2.0 [OFFICIAL]/Facebook

While state elections are underway in Sarawak, the "indelible ink" applied on some voters who cast their ballots at SJK Thai Kwang in Dudong can already be washed off, claims Pemantau, an election watchdog set up by Bersih 2.0 and other NGOs, in a Facebook post

Malaysiakini cited Pemantau polls watch coordinator Zoe Randhawa saying that the incident was reported by one of their observers

"His wife's ink washed off. He then asked more people from that polling station, and he found two more people with ink washed off. So far, it is only for that polling station. All other reports is of ink not washing off at all," she tells Malaysiakini.

Last year, during the GE13, Major Zaidi Ahmad was punished for performing what many would consider a public and moral duty:

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