
Someone Put A Banner With An Upside Down Copter And 'You Deserved It' Written In Chinese

It was put under DAP's billboard, making it appear as if it is the work of DAP.

Cover image via Malaysiakini

Politics is not called 'a dirty game' for no reason.

Because one must win to have power, there are no rules to ensure parity or fair play in politics. And history is full of stories of what lengths people have gone to obtain or wield power over others.

It seems that people, in their greed to obtain or maintain power, have lost their moral values. So much so that they don't even hesitate for a second to use a tragedy as death as a play-tool for their political propaganda.

As you know that on the heels of election day in Sarawak a helicopter carrying several government officials had crashed in the state on 6 May. So someone thought it was OKAY to use this tragedy to get back at Barisan Nasional.

A banner with the words "you deserved it" written in Chinese along with a drawing of an upside-down helicopter and alphabets "BN" — short for Barisan Nasional — written on it was spotted in Batu Kitang, reported Malaysiakini.

The photos of the same were making rounds in Whatsapp groups, too.

Whoever put up the banner, decided to place it under Democratic Action Party's billboard, making it appear as if it was done by DAP

Image via Malaysiakini

Sarawak DAP Chairperson Chong Chieng Jen, who was visiting the polling centre at SK Satria Jaya, described it as a "distasteful" act

"This a very low politics, should not use this disaster or tragedy as tools of their campaign. This is really below the belt for them to do this," Malaysiakini quoted the opposition leader of Sarawak State Assembly.

Meanwhile, read how this senior citizen likes to 'spice' things up at when he goes to perform his civic duty:

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