
They Say Malaysians Who Criticise The Govt Over MH370 Should Be Revoked Of Citizenship

Ikatan Muslimin Malaysia (Isma) wants citizenship of Malaysians who criticise their own country over the management of the MH370 investigation be revoked.

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The Ikatan Muslimin Malaysia (Isma) Has Proposed That Malaysians Who Criticise The Malaysian Government's Management Of MH370 Investigation Have Their Citizenship Revoked

Ikatan Muslimin Malaysia (Isma) has slammed Malaysians who criticised their own country over its handling of the MH370 tragedy, calling for their citizenship to be revoked. Such "traitors" who badmouth Malaysia overseas during this difficult time should have their citizenships revoked, Isma vice president II Abdul Rahman Mat Dali said.

"This Is Very Serious. They Should Be Stripped Of Their Citizenship. I Advise Them To Move To Another Country," Says Isma Vice President II Abdul Rahman Mat Dali.

Isma Vice President II Abdul Rahman Mat Dali

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"The latest news is that there are those among DAP and PKR who malign the government overseas until it causes anger of victims' families towards our government. "If this is true, then they are traitors whose citizenships should be revoked. I also advise that they move to a country which they prefer," he said in a statement.

"If they talk bad about Malaysia and incite the families of the passengers from China, then I take them to be traitors. "This is very serious. They should be stripped of their citizenship. I advise them to move to another country," he was quoted as saying in an article posted today on the Isma website

This Includes Those Who Are "Not In The Same Boat" With The Ruling Government And Media Who Are "Unfriendly" To The Government

Isma vice-president Abdul Rahman Mt Dali said that this included those who are "not in the same boat" with the ruling government and media who are "unfriendly" to the government, such as Malaysiakini.

Isma Says Malaysians Should Instead Rally Behind Those Managing The MH370 Search And Rescue Operation

Isma Says Malaysians Should Instead Rally Behind Those Managing The MH370 Search And Rescue Operation

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Meanwhile, Abdul Rahman said that instead of criticising those behind the search, Malaysians should instead rally behind them as patriotism is promoted in Islam. "As such, Muslims and Malays should not be caught in narrow politics which does not benefit the country or Muslim interests, as even an Islamic government has flaws. "As such, politicians from different camps should stop acting like children," he said.

He added that this is practised even in other countries, such as Americans who unite over big floods, Australians over massive bushfire and the Japanese over nuclear fallout. "The people (in those countries) cooperate and one can hardly hear anyone finding fault over the handling of the crisis," he said, urging all to give moral support to the search and rescue team.

"True leaders will love and protect the good name of their country, even if they do not agree with their political rivals who are in the ruling government."

Abdul Rahman said defending the country and being patriotic are part of the teachings of Islam, adding it is not proper to badmouth one's own country for the sake of political interest.

"True leaders will love and protect the good name of their country, even if they do not agree with their political rivals who are in the ruling government," he said. Abdul Rahman said problems faced by the country should be solved in the spirit of kinship, not by stabbing each other's backs. "The result is humiliating oneself."

This Post On The Isma Website Comes Following MCA Wanita Chief Datuk Heng Seai Kie Alleging That The Opposition Has Been Inciting The Families Of Chinese Passengers

MCA Wanita Chief Datuk Heng Seai Kie

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The post came about following an earlier report on the Isma website that MCA Wanita chief Datuk Heng Seai Kie (pic) had written on her Facebook page that some opposition politicians had been inciting the families of Chinese passengers.

Heng had allegedly posted a remark on her Facebook page last week where she accused DAP and PKR of spreading ‘disturbing' rumours, inciting the emotions of the families of missing Chinese passengers aboard the Beijing-bound plane that went missing on March 8.

The post reads: “From my understanding, the family members of the crashed plane are so upset because the DAP and PKR have access to mainland China’s social media platform WeChat and Weibo. “They have used the two platforms to spread rumours and cast doubt on our government. Even information obtained by China’s officials is from WeChat and Weibo. “If this is true, these DAP and PKR leaders are willing to belittle and slander their own country just for their own political interests. “They and their families should be hung to death and receive severe punishment of the law.”

DAP and PKR have denied the allegations, first raised by MCA Wanita chief Heng Seai Kie, and lodged a police report against her.

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