
Jobless Japanese Man Has 4 Wives, 2 Girlfriends & Wants To Have 54 Children

Ryuta Watanabe intends to become the "God of Marriage".

Cover image via South China Morning Post /

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Meet Ryuta Watanabe, a jobless man who has set the ambitious goal of fathering 54 children

In the process, the 36-year-old man from Hokkaido, Japan aims to become the "God of Marriage".

Watanabe, who has been without a job for the past decade, relies entirely on the salaries of his four wives and two girlfriends to support his lifestyle.

Despite not being legally married, Watanabe's wives are recognised as common-law partners under Japan’s rules of long-term cohabitation.

He currently has 10 children and resides with three of his wives and two of the children

His household, which costs around 914,000 yen (RM26,300) a month to maintain, is supported by contributions from his wives and girlfriends.

Despite not earning an income, Watanabe stays busy at home, acting as a househusband.

He manages household chores, cooks, and cares for the children. His lifestyle has drawn significant attention online, with opinions ranging from admiration to criticism.

On a recent episode of the TV show Abema Prime, he shared: "I just love women. As long as we love each other equally, there won't be any problems."

Watanabe's story came to light through a report on Japan's Shueisha Online, and he has not shied away from media appearances.

His relationships are managed with a system: each wife has her own room, and he rotates spending the night with them.

Watanabe claims to have sex 28 times a week, insisting there is no jealousy among the women, who he says get along like friends. 

Watanabe aims to have 54 children and in the process break the record set by Tokugawa Ienari, a shogun who fathered 53 children in the 19th century

Six years ago, Watanabe was struggling with depression after a breakup, living off welfare. It was then that he turned to dating apps.

Through the apps, he eventually connected with multiple women. Now, he hopes to become the "God of Marriage".

"I want to have 54 children so my name will go down in history. I’m still looking for new wives," he said.

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