
10 Key Things I Learnt From Malaysia's Social Media Week Summit, Cartoonified

There are no social media experts as social media evolves and changes so rapidly, says Klubb Kid KL during his talk.

Cover image via Kendrick Ng

1. The success of crowd funding campaigns are dependent on these 10 factors:

Image via Kendrick Ng

2. Don't let fresh interns handle your company's social media accounts, it's too important!

Image via Kendrick Ng

3. Blogging is all about the experience. Be yourself, be truthful, tell your story, and you will be noticed.

Image via Kendrick Ng

4. In this demand generation, content is fuel, blogging is the engine, and social media is the amplification

Image via Kendrick Ng

5. When crowd sourcing for information, be clear about your objectives with your audience

Image via Kendrick Ng

6. Everyone with a phone and a camera are now citizen journalists. The challenge is to sift fact from fiction.

Image via Kendrick Ng

7. To create virality, create high-value content that gives users a desire, reason, and incentive to share

Image via Kendrick Ng

8. Dr Mahathir: Social media is like a knife, it can be used to carve beautiful things, or be used to harm people. It gives us power we never had before, exercise this power responsibly to benefit society.

Image via Kendrick Ng

9. No matter microblogging or blogging, personalise your posts to make it unique and sharable. Create content people love.

Image via Kendrick Ng

10. Speed is important for politicians when responding to the rakyat on social media, but they have to be mindful to always get the facts right

Image via Kendrick Ng

These doodle were created by cartoonist and blogger Kendy Life! See more of Kendy Life's funny cartoons here.

Image via Kendrick Ng

Read more on what Tun Dr Mahathir had to say during his keynote speech at the Malaysian Social Media Week Summit here:

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