
Ku Li: The Anti-ICERD Rally Would Have Been Better If More Non-Malays Joined

"Whether we like it or not, we have to live in tolerance together," said the UMNO veteran.

Cover image via Malay Mail & Malaysia Chronicle

According to Gua Musang MP Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah, the anti-International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD) rally would have been more "meaningful" if more non-Malays participated

Image via Borneo Post

While the reported turnout of over 50,000 Malaysians during the rally on 8 December was "good in terms of Malay unity," the UMNO advisory council chairman said that, "I would have liked it better if there was an equally large number of non-Malays," New Straits Times reported.

"Whether we like it or not, we have to live in tolerance together," Ku Li told reporters at the wedding reception of DAP figures Zairil Khir Johari and Dyana Sofya Mohd Daud on Sunday, 9 December

Image via Malay Mail

"We must invite them to join us. If you keep talking about it being about the Malays and Islam, the (other races) would not want to join," he explained.

"We cannot have everything only for ourselves, we have to share. We share a common sky and land, and we share our lives despite our different religions," the UMNO veteran added.

"I think we could accept ICERD," said Ku Li, who believes that ICERD would not remove or amend any aspect of the Federal Constitution.

Image via theSundaily

"But for the time being, there needs to be thorough explanations given to the people to avoid misunderstandings," he said.

"We still have people with different standards of living. So we cannot accept it for now as we fear there will be misunderstandings," the politician added, according to Malaysiakini.

Prime Minister Tun Mahathir's granddaughter took to her Instagram to express her thoughts on the rally's cause:

Meanwhile, former premier Najib Razak applauded a man for going above and beyond to attend the anti-ICERD rally:

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