
Kuching Man Loses RM1.2M In Online Scam After Tinder Match Offers Him A Job

To gain the victim's trust, the perpetrator, named Emma, had a video call with him.

Cover image via Bernama

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A man in Kuching, Sarawak was scammed of a staggering RM1.2 million after a Tinder match promised him a part-time job opportunity

In a statement today, 26 July, Sarawak police commissioner Datuk Mohd Azman Ahmad Sapri shared details of the online fraud, in which the event manager in his 30s fell for his online date's trap.

According to the commissioner, the victim, whose identity has not been disclosed, encountered a woman named Emma on the popular dating app. Emma engaged the victim in conversation and eventually offered him a part-time job on 14 May. Believing it to be a genuine opportunity, the victim eagerly accepted.

The scammer enticed the man with the promise of a 1.1% commission and made him transfer RM1.2 million to seven bank accounts

Moreover, he was assured of additional commissions if he managed to successfully sell products on a designated website. To gain the victim's trust, the perpetrator, who claimed to be from Vietnam, had a video call with the victim to elaborate on the supposed job details, according to a report in The Borneo Post.

Unaware of the sinister plot unfolding, the event manager began transferring substantial amounts of money to various bank accounts between 15 May and 13 July.

However, despite his significant investments, the victim received a meagre return of only RM200,000.

It was only when the promised commissions failed to materialise that the event manager realised he had fallen prey to an elaborate scam. Following which, he lodged a report with the authorities.

Sarawak police commissioner Datuk Mohd Azman Ahmad Sapri.

Image via The Borneo Post

In light of this unfortunate incident, law enforcement authorities are urging the public to exercise extreme caution when dealing with unknown phone calls or offers that seem too good to be true

They advise individuals to promptly notify their partners, friends, or family members if they receive suspicious phone calls, and to seek confirmation from the police, banks, or relevant agencies.

The public is also advised against divulging their bank details to unfamiliar individuals or parties. Moreover, they should refrain from adding suspicious phone numbers to their online banking accounts.

The Sarawak police commissioner's office has assured the public that they are actively investigating the matter and will take necessary actions to track down the perpetrator and bring them to justice.

In the meantime, they encourage anyone who suspects they may have fallen victim to similar cyber scams to come forward and report the incidents promptly.

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