
This Malaysian Scientist And A Grandfather Of Two Is Receiving The Marie Curie Award

Congratulations, Dr. Ng!

Cover image via Professor Dr Ng Kwan Hoong / IEEE

Professor Dr. Ng Kwan Hoong will soon be the proud recipient of the prestigious Marie Sklodowska-Curie Award for his outstanding contributions towards breast cancer research

Image via IEEE

The award, named after famed Nobel Prize laureate and French-Polish scientist Marie Curie, is given out by the UK-based International Organisation for Medical Physics (IOMP), which represents 25,000 medical physicists worldwide.

The award honours scientists who have contributed to the education and training of medical physicists, students, and health personnel.

In an exclusive interview with The Star, Dr. Ng, whose core research is in breast cancer screening, said that he's determined to improve early detection

Dr. Ng said the recognition was “extra special” because it showed that scientists from developing nations could also contribute to humanity

"It is such a humbling experience for me to be mentioned in the same breath as those I look up to," Dr. Ng told Christina Chin of The Star.

"This international recognition means a lot to me because the field of medical physics is still very new here."

Dr. Ng, who is now in his 60's, was among the pioneers of radiation medicine and has a long list of achievements to his name

He worked on the 2011 Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster report and set up the UM medical physics master programme, the only postgraduate medical physics academic programme outside the United Kingdom and Ireland that is accredited by the UK Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine.

The award will be presented to Dr. Ng in Prague this June.

Read more about Dr. Ng and his achievements in the full interview here.

Congratulations, Dr. Ng! You've made Malaysia proud!

Image via GIPHY

Read about another Malaysian who won a prestigious award in his field this year:

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