No More Plastic Bags In Malacca On Weekends Starting 1 April 2014
Malacca follows the footsteps in Penang, Selangor, Sabah and Sarawak in the hopes of creating a greener planet.
Starting 1 April 2014, Fridays And Saturdays Will Be 'No Plastic' Days At All Supermarkets And Malls In Malacca
MALACCA: The state government will declare Fridays and Saturdays as “No Plastic” days at all supermarkets and shopping malls effective April 1. Bags Are Also Not Allowed To Be Sold On Fridays And Saturdays
Speaking after opening the Melaka Schools Principals and Headmasters Professionalism Day here today, he added that they were also not allowed to sell plastic bags on the days.
The State Government Arrived At The Decision After Discussing With Representatives From All The Supermarkets
State Education, Higher Education, Science and Technology, Green Technology and Innovation executive councilor Datuk Md Yunos Husin said the matter was decided at a state exco meeting yesterday following discussions with representatives from all the supermarkets.
The Practice Will Not Cost The Consumers Nor Supermarkets Anything
Describing the initiative as an effort to preserve the environment, he said," The practice does not cost the consumers or supermarket operators anything but educates them to go green."
Malacca Previously Had "No Plastic Bags Day" Only On Saturdays
Previously the premises had a “No Plastic Bag Day” on only Saturdays. States In Malaysia That Have 'No Plastic Bag Days' Includes Penang, Selangor, Sabah And Sarawak
Penang was the first state in Peninsular Malaysia which implemented a No Plastic Bag Day in shopping complexes and hypermarkets on the 1st of July 2009. In addition, Sabah has launched a similar campaign since the 7th of June.
Sabah and Penang were then followed by Selangor, the Miri (Sarawak) local council, and the Sibu (Sarawak) local council.
With this campaign gaining support from public, the Penang state government declared ‘No Plastic Bag Day’ for every Monday, which was then extended to Tuesday and Wednesday. The Selangor state government implements the campaign every Saturday may be extending No Plastic Bag Day to weekdays.
The objective of No Plastic Bag Day is to increase public awareness of the dangers brought by plastic products, for instance plastic bags are non-biodegradable products that made from polyethylene, that requires about 100 years to finish undergoing decomposition.