
KPMG Says Your Boss Should Increase Your Salary By 6%

KPMG's newly appointed managing partner suggests that employers help employees to cope with the rising cost of living by giving them a pay hike.

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KPMG Malaysia Wants Public And Private Sectors To Increase Employees' Salary By 6% To Prepare For The Implementation Of GST In April 2015

KPMG Malaysia is urging both the public and private sectors to gradually increase the salaries of their employees following the imposition of the goods and services tax (GST) next April.

Johan said that the GST implementation was inevitable as Malaysia was a developing country.

Newly-appointed Managing Partner Johan Idris Suggested 6% Increase Per Annum To Help Employees Cope With The Rising Cost Of Living

Newly-appointed managing partner Johan Idris suggested a six per cent increase in employees salaries per annum to help tide over the high cost of living in Malaysia.

"Six per cent would be a good example to begin with especially after the GST implementation, new electric tariffs, petrol subsidy cuts and new toll rates," he told reporters after the launch of the second-edition of the 'Study on Non-Executive Directors 2013 - Profile and Pay' publication.

Newly-appointed Managing Partner Johan Idris Suggested 6% Increase Per Annum To Help Employees Cope With The Rising Cost Of Living

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PKR’s Rafizi Ramli Agrees, Saying That GST Should Not Be Implemented Until Workers' Salaries Are Increased

Putrajaya cannot implement the Goods and Services Tax (GST), which is scheduled for April next year, until workers’ salaries are increased and household incomes go up, PKR’s Rafizi Ramli said today.

“Keadilan remains firm that as long as the government does not take effective steps in raising workers’ salaries, the GST cannot be implemented,” Rafizi told reporters at PKR’s headquarters here today.

“Keadilan has said long ago that household incomes must be at least RM4,000 a month before the GST can be considered,” added the PKR strategic director.

Rafizi said today that Putrajaya has the power to revise the salary structure of civil servants.
“Civil servants are such a big group of workers that their salaries are a reference point for the salary structures of other sectors,” he said.
“The government is responsible for depressing the average salary in the private sector because Barisan Nasional (BN) depends on cheap foreign labour,” added the lawmaker.

PKR’s Rafizi Ramli Agrees, Saying That GST Should Not Be Implemented Until Workers' Salaries Are Increased

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At The Same Time, A JobsCentral Malaysia Survey Revealed That Malaysians Are Unhappy And Unsatisfied At Work

Findings by recruitment portal JobsCentral Malaysia showed that the average work happiness score in 2013 was 59.05%, inching down from 60.4% in 2012. This showed that the average work satisfaction of urban workers in Malaysia is gradually decreasing, JobsCentral said.

The poll questioned 3,508 employed Malaysians to rank factors of working life by perceived importance, and how satisfied they were with each of these factors in their current jobs. From a scale of one to 10, with one being the least satisfied and 10 the most, respondents only gave an average score of 5.47 for advancement opportunities, making the attribute the least satisfied with.

The Reasons For Unhappiness Were Largely Due To Poor Salary And Lack Of Advancement Opportunities

Salary and autonomy at work also garnered low scores of 5.77 and 5.87 respectively.

The Reasons For Unhappiness Were Largely Due To Poor Salary And Lack Of Advancement Opportunities

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On A Happy Note, Malaysian Urban Workers Are Satisfied With Their Work Relationships, Work Location And Safe Working Conditions

However, employees were most satisfied with their relations with colleagues (7.34), followed by location of work (7.07) and safe working conditions (7.04), the survey found.

said Hee Kim Fah, Chief Executive Officer of JobsCentral Malaysia said employers should address the issue to improve work happiness.

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