
You'll Be Shocked To Find Out How Much Our Govt Spends A Day Feeding Illegal Immigrants

Deputy Home Minister Wan Junaidi reveals that not only are illegal immigrants in Malaysia contributing to the crime rate, they are becoming a financial burden to the country as well.

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Deputy Home Minister Datuk Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar Revealed That The Government Spends RM35 A Day On Some 68,000 Illegal Immigrants Nationwide

In times when Malaysians are forced to cut corners ahead of price increases, the government spends RM35 on food and administrative matters on each illegal immigrant detained in the country a day.

Malaysian immigration

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The RM35 Per Person Per Day Covers The Food And Administration For The Immigrants, But Have Yet To Factor In Medical Costs

Deputy Home Minister Datuk Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar said the numbers could balloon if medical expenses were to be included.

“The RM35 per person per day is just for food and administrative matters. It is not inclusive of their medical needs,” he said.

“If we include the medical expenditure, it could even swell to an average of RM75 a person. You do the maths.”

This Translates To An Average Of RM2.38 Million A Day, Or RM8.56 Billion A Year

With some 68,000 illegals detained at the 10 detention centres nationwide, this translates to RM2.38 million a day, RM71.4 million a month and an average of RM8.56 billion a year.

Deputy Home Minister Wan Junaidi

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Wan Junaidi Previously Reported 300,000 Illegal Immigrants Detained, But Later Clarified That There Were 68,000 Instead

Wan Junaidi clarified on 6 Jan 2014 that there were 68,000 illegal immigrants detained and not 300,000 as reported yesterday.

“The Government is spending a lot of money to feed some 300,000 illegal immigrants in custody which could not be deported because they do not have their travel documents,” Wan Junaidi lamented on 5 Jan 2014.

These Illegal Immigrants Cannot Be Repatriated Due To Immigration Problems In Their Country Of Origin

Deputy Home Minister Datuk Dr Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar said about 300,000 illegal immigrants cannot be repatriated due to immigration problems in their countries of origin.

Although the government knew their countries of origin, the countries required identification documents to prove citizenship, he told reporters after handing over emergency aid for Santubong parliamentary constituency, here today.

“It is easy to blame (the government) but critics should realise we have long and wide borders which are difficult to monitor,” he said.
He said the government must also look at the humanitarian aspect.
“If they trespass into our waters, we can’t just push them back into sea. We are forced to take them in (arrest them) and feed them,” he said.

He said the government had been holding discussions with foreign embassies and government representatives to find a more comprehensive method to repatriate the illegal immigrants.

Illegal Indonesian immigrants near Malaysia

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The Immigrants Cannot Be Deported Back To Their Country As They Do Not Have Any Travel Documents With Them

At the same time, Wan Junaidi said his ministry was also facing a dilemma where many illegal immigrants did not have any travel documents and thus they could not be deported back to where they came from.

He explained that the immigrants would need their travel documents to be able to enter the borders into their own country. However, some may have disposed of or even hid their documents to avoid being deported back.

The Immigrants Cannot Be Deported Back To Their Country As They Do Not Have Any Travel Documents With Them

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“We just cannot because we also had to send them across their (country’s) borders which they would also be required to show their travel documents.

“Because of that, these illegal immigrants had to stay in our country temporarily. The approach we are doing now is to contact the embassies or representatives from the countries where the immigrants are from to discuss in detail on how best we can deport them. Unfortunately this process is very slow although our Government is acting swiftly.

He Also Admits That Worrying Reports Of Immigrant Children Outnumbering Local Children In Sabah Could Be True

On a report alleging that immigrant children, both illegal and otherwise, are outnumbering local children in Sabah, Wan Junaidi said it could be true.
“However, no action has been taken yet as we are still awaiting the Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) to finish their report, which will then be presented in the Parliament this March.
“The government, based on recommendations from RCI, will then give the directive to the Home Ministry on what to do. We have to abide to our Constitution no matter what action we take,” he said.

According To Wan Junaidi, Malaysia Has Become An Attractive Country For Illegal Immigrants As Locals Here Refuse Jobs That Are Deemed Dangerous, Dirty And Demeaning

“Malaysia has become an attractive country for illegal immigrants from countries like Indonesia, the Philippines and Myanmar to make a living, especially when our own people refuse to work in jobs seen as dangerous, dirty and demeaning. Because many of our own people are now educated, they prefer jobs that are comfortable. Therefore, the dangerous, dirty and demeaning jobs become job opportunities for these foreigners,” he said.

According To Wan Junaidi, Malaysia Has Become An Attractive Country For Illegal Immigrants As Locals Here Refuse Jobs That Are Deemed Dangerous, Dirty And Demeaning

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“There are plenty of job opportunities here. The locals shy away from certain sectors, especially construction, farming and the service industry. This opens up a window of opportunity for foreigners who are willing to make sacrifices to come over.”

"We Want To Send Them Home As Soon As Possible As They Are A Burden To The Country," Says Wan Junaidi

“We want to send these illegals back as soon as possible, as they are a burden to us but the problem is further slowed because their home countries take a long time to issue official documents. It is sometimes delayed by selective issuance of official documents,” he told reporters after presenting emergency aid and grants to Santubong constituents yesterday.

“We want to send them home as soon as possible as they are a burden to the country. Thus we will work closely with the respective embassies to check their identities.”

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