
Malaysians And Politicians Mourn Karpal Singh's Death And Praise His Life's Legacy

The sudden passing of veteran lawyer and former DAP chairman Karpal Singh has shocked and saddened Malaysians across political divides.

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The Tiger of Jelutong, YB Karpal Singh, passed away in a car accident en route to Penang on 17 April 2014

Karpal Singh

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Karpal's son Gobind Singh Deo made the unfortunate announcement of his passing at 3.40am via Twitter

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Gobind Singh Deo breaking down

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DAP adviser Lim Kit Siang says the nation lost a great Malaysian

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Karpal Singh and Lim Kit Siang

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Selangor state assemblywoman Yeo Bee Yin says we have lost a voice of conscience, a voice of justice, a true hero

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PKR defacto leader Anwar Ibrahim says we have lost an indefatigable fighter for justice

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Karpal Singh and Anwar Ibrahim

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Across the political divide, PM Najib also sends his condolences to Karpal's family

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak who is currently on a working visit to Turkey, tweeted from Ankara to extend his condolences to the politician's family members.
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Saddened by the tragic news, Former MCA president Chua Soi Lek says he respects Karpal's persistence and perseverance

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Youth and Sports Minister Khairy Jamaluddin also says Malaysia has lost one of its giants

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When Perkasa's Zulkifli Noordin tried to politicise Karpal's death, he was shot down by Khairy Jamaluddin

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Malaysians on social media request people not to politicise the passing of the 74-year-old lawyer

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Even though some may disagree with his political beliefs, they admire Karpal's bravery and audacity throughout his career

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Karpal Singh

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Those in the legal fraternity went as far as saying that Karpal was one of the best lawyers in Malaysia

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Datuk Ambiga Sreenevasan agrees, saying that she grew up at the Bar 'admiring the great Karpal Singh'

Meanwhile prominent lawyer Datuk Ambiga Sreenevasan told The Malaysian Insider that she grew up at the Bar "admiring the great Karpal Singh". "He was never afraid to speak his mind even if what he said was not popular.

"He was a man of great principle and great courage, fighting to the bitter end against oppression," she said, adding that Karpal gave hope to people to always stand up for what is right, no matter what the consequences. "Parliament will never be the same without Karpal," Ambiga said.
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Furthermore, reporters who had covered Karpal in court thanked him for being so kind and helpful to them as he would always explain his cases with patience

Furthermore, reporters who had covered Karpal in court thanked him for being so kind and helpful to them as he would always explain his cases with patience

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Members of the media who covered Karpal in court also remember him as a lawyer who would patiently explain a case, even when he lost.

A former court reporter, Dian Salleh, posted on Facebook that she would always remember Karpal as taking the trouble to explain a case to reporters. "Rest in Peace Mr Karpal and Michael. Both of you were always helpful to me and my media friends wherever we covered your cases," she posted alongside a sad emoticon.

Another former court reporter from a Chinese daily, Cheong Ka Mei, also posted on Facebook: "It took me a few months to understand you in court. Yet you were kind enough to explain"

Comedian Harith Iskandar encapsulates Karpal's numerous clash with the law by saying "when one fights for justices, one is not always on the right side of the law"

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Malaysians say Karpal has fought a good fight for justice in Malaysia, and he fought it to the very end

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They believe his legacy as the Tiger of Jelutong, his tenacity and fighting spirit, will stay bright within his supporters

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RIP Karpal Singh

RIP Karpal Singh

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