
MBPJ Officer Won't Face Any Action Because Hitting Uncle With Catch Pole Was An Accident

The investigation committee suggested the city council improve their procedures for dog-catching operations.

Cover image via Utusan Malaysia & Rekha Morgan (Facebook)

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The Petaling Jaya City Council (MBPJ) said the officer who was seen in closed-circuit television (CCTV) footage roughing up a senior citizen will not face any action

In a statement yesterday, 11 April, the city council explained that the officer was not charged because the alleged assault against Patrick Khoo Kian Wui was an accident, reported Free Malaysia Today.

Other than stating that the alleged attack was unintentional, MBPJ did not address how the officer managed to use the catch pole on Khoo's neck when the tool is normally used at a level closer to the ground due to dogs' height.

MBPJ said they referred the case to the police and also launched an internal investigation on the matter, which resulted in recommendations by the investigation committee to improve procedures for dog-catching operations.

Officers will have to use body cameras and work with the police for higher-risk operations, according to New Straits Times.

"Low-risk operations will require the use of body cameras by staff involved. Images [of] the operation will be taken by senior staff. High-risk operations will be carried out together with the police," MBPJ said.

MBPJ will also invite representatives from non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and residents' associations to observe their operations to ensure transparency.

The city council also reminded the public about the dangers stray dogs could pose to children.

They also emphasised that if left uncontrolled, stray dogs could cause public nuisance and hygiene problems.

"This issue cannot be shrugged off and it is necessary to address it immediately, especially by local authorities," they said.

"Besides wild cats, bats, and monkeys, wild dogs are the main carrier of rabies," it explained.

MBPJ added that since February, they have conducted 12 dog-catching operations in Taman Kanagapuram following public complaints.

39 stray dogs were caught in those operations.

Learn more about the case here:

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