
A Missing Woman Was Swallowed Whole By An 8-Meter Long Python

Wa Tiba went missing after visiting her corn plantation last Thursday.

Cover image via Odisha TV

On Thursday, 14 June, an Indonesian woman from Persiapan Lawela on the island of Muna went missing after visiting her corn plantation

When Wa Tiba did not return home the next morning, her sister checked the plantation located just 1km from her house.

She found footprints on the ground along with Tiba's torch, slippers, and machete, The Jakarta Post reported.

After a search party was conducted, locals found a 8-meter long python with a bloated belly nearby

Image via Odisha TV

According to The Star, local police chief Hamka said villagers found the giant snake lying about 30 metres from the missing woman's belongings.

Suspicious of its swollen stomach, the locals decided to kill and dissect the snake.

Inside, they found the 54-year-old's lifeless body.

Image via Youtube

"When they cut open the snake's belly they found Tiba's body still intact with all her clothes," said the village chief Faris, Huffington Post reported.

Image via Youtube

"She was swallowed first from her head," he added.

This is the second time in less than a year that an Indonesian villager has been swallowed whole by a python

Image via Tribunnews

In March 2017, 25-year-old Akbar Salubiro was found dead inside a python's belly after working on his family's palm oil plantation in central Indonesia, Time reported.

Watch the full video of the locals cutting open the snake here:

Viewer discretion is advised. 

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