
Najib Takes To His FB To Throw Shade On Al Jazeera Interviewer

"I have no problems walking away from a foreign reporter as long as I do not walk away from my people."

Cover image via Al Jazeera (edited)

Earlier today, Najib took to his Facebook page to announce how unperturbed he is by that Al Jazeera interview winning an award for 'Interview of the Year' where he lost his cool and walked out

The former prime minister decided to instead throw shade on Al Jazeera's Mary Ann Jolley, saying that he has no problems walking away from a foreign reporter.

"I have no problems walking away from a foreign reporter as long as I do not walk away from my people," Najib wrote on his Facebook post today, 1 March.

He uploaded a collage showing his photo from the interview last year, Mary Ann Jolley with the award she won, and a photo from his recent trip to Semenyih Tesco where he was "mobbed" by thousands of his fans jostling to take selfies with him.

Najib, without naming Al Jazeera's 101 East's Jolley in his post, asked his readers to "please tell her that her obsession" with the murder of Mongolian national Altantuya Shaariibuu is unfounded

"Please tell her that her obsession has now been proven unfounded as the police under the new government have found no evidence linking me to the Mongolian woman's death.

"There is no cover-up. Please tell her that her conspiracy theory is misplaced as she is just one another victim of an elaborately crafted political propaganda by those who are now in power today," he wrote.

Mary Ann Jolley had pressed Najib about the murder of Altantuya Shaariibuu during the interview, to which Najib had called the interviewer a "nuisance."

According to Najib, Mary Ann Jolley "was probably fed misleading information" in past by those who are now in power today

"For example, the courts have long ago proven the explosives used was not C4 despite popular belief. The photo purportedly showing me with her submitted to the courts recently was also found by the courts to be a forgery," Najib wrote on his post.

"For the final time, I have never met the victim. Ever."

On 22 February 2019, Malaysiakini reported that the police are not probing him over several high-profile murders as there is no lead to link him to any of the murders.

It cited a police source saying that there was no evidence linking Najib to high-profile murder cases, including the murder of Altantuya.

At the time of publishing, Najib's post had over 10K reactions and around 450 shares.

Read about the Al Jazeera winning award for the interview here:

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