
British Woman Called Nasi Lemak A "Wickedly Bad Meal" And All Hell Broke Loose

Nasi lemak is 10/10.

Cover image via Airways Magazine & Twitter @KatieMorley_

A woman recently took to Twitter to complain about a Malaysian meal she had while on a 13-hour flight

On 15 January, @KatieMorley_ wrote, "In the name of public interest, am sharing this wickedly bad meal British Airways treated me to during a [13-hour] flight."

The dish turned out to be Malaysia's pride and joy: the nasi lemak.

According to her, it was labelled as 'chicken curry with rice' on the menu.

"False advertising at its finest," she said.

She also described it as, "Chicken curry served with anaemic boiled egg, topped with smelly, slimy anchovies."

The woman also noted that she usually likes plane food, but she rated this particular meal 0/10.

Naturally, Malaysians and nasi lemak lovers came forward to defend the dish.

One person responded, "I am always overjoyed when this happens. Proper food finally."

"In the name of public interest I present to you a white woman thrown into the wilderness of... food from other cultures. Sit down, Katie, and eat your bland mashed potato," wrote another Twitter user.

A user said, "If you 'quite like plane food usually', you don't deserve nasi lemak tbh."

Darren Cronian also responded to the whole fiasco.

He is known as the travel blogger from the UK who once spontaneously flew almost 10,000km to Malaysia just because he was craving for nasi lemak.

He said, "To be fair, it's a British airline and most British people haven't a clue what nasi lemak is. Chicken curry with rice I guess is the English translation. Damn, I'm wanting nasi lemak right now!"

Last November, Mashable Southeast Asia reported that Cronian was supposed to spend his winter in Greece until a photo of nasi lemak appeared on his Instagram feed.

In an instant, he changed all his plans. He booked himself a flight from Athens to Kuala Lumpur straight away for a tasty Malaysian treat.

Don't mess with Malaysians. They will 'die die' defend their local food weh:

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