
Teens Are Pressing Their Friends' Chests Until They Pass Out In A New Internet Challenge

Videos of the "dangerous" Skip Challenge has gone viral.

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Internet challenges can pretty fun, but it's definitely no laughing matter when it could potentially kill your friends. Case in point - the 'Skip Challenge' that's currently trending on social media.

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Also known as the Pass Out Game, the challenge requires "players" to press on a person's chest as hard as possible until they, well, pass out

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A 25-second video of three teenage boys performing the stunt has been making its rounds on social media recently.

The video shows two boys laughing while pressing their friend's chest for about five seconds, after which he fell unconscious. The boys panicked for a while, but continued laughing when their friend recovered.

For obvious reasons, doctors have strongly advised student against performing the stunt as it could lead to seizures, brain damage and even death

Dr. Cempaka Thursina, a neurologist from Gadjah Mada University, pointed out that pressing the chest will decrease oxygen supply to the brain, which can cause unconsciousness and seizures. Prolonged oxygen deficiency, even for a few minutes, could cause brain damage and might even be fatal. 

She also said that the "challenge" could cause fracture in the ribs due to the strong pressure applied to the chest area.

The challenge is believed to have begun earlier this year when students from Indonesia posted videos of them performing the stunt on their friends, some with truly troubling results

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In one of the videos, the boy who was pressed to the wall was still unconscious several hours after he passed out. You can view the videos here (viewers discretion advised). 

The 25-second video mentioned above recently resurfaced on Facebook, sparking a new round of conversation among Malaysians who raised concerns about the "idiotic game"

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Some also pointed out that the "challenge" has been a thing among school students for decades

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In light of the viral video, the Deputy Health Minister has advised students against playing the "dangerous" game

"Never press the chest, even if the friend wants to have fun. When the chest is pressed, a person is unable to breathe as oxygen is cut off. In five minutes, when oxygen is cut off from the brain, the brain can die. Do not ever do that," Datuk Seri Dr. Hilmi Yahaya was quoted to have said at an event on Saturday.

So kids - use your brain, don't kill your brain. :)

Image via Popkey

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