21-Year-Old Malaysian Girl Wins In Muslim Beauty Pageant
21-year-old Nurul Husna Zainal Abidin from Perlis is the first Malaysian entry in the World Muslim Women Beauty Pageant in Indonesia, and she did not disappoint. She came home crowned as the World Muslim Netizen 2013! Congratulations, Nurul Husna!
Malaysia's Nurul Husna Zainal Abidin crowned the "World Muslim Netizen 2013" award at the World Muslim Women Beauty Pageant in Jakarta
Bukan nak buat controversi tapi nak berkongsi tentang perkara yg baik. Baik kerana ia bukanlah pertandingna ratu cantik dunia yang kita selalu lihat dalam tv anjuran pihak barat. Tetapi ini adalah Ratu Cantik Muslimah Dunia yg di anjurkan oleh negara2 Islam. Penganjuran Ratu Cantik Muslimah Dunia di Indonesia mendapat perhatian byk pihak penganjuran kali ketiga ini membuka mata bahawa wanita muslimah juga boleh bergaya dan berfesyen dengan hijab.
Nurul Husna Zainal Abidin is the first Malaysian to enter the World Muslim Women Beauty Pageant
Image via ekeleh.comRaut wajahnya menawan, senyumannya manis dan ditambah dengan gayanya persis seorang model profesional berjaya meletakkan Nurul Husna Zainal Abidin meraih gelaran “World Muslim Woman Netizen 2013” dalam pertandingan Ratu Cantik Muslimah Dunia baru-baru ini.
ekeleh.comThat’s the prize that Nurul Husna Zainal Abidin won as Malaysia’s first entry to the World Muslim Women Beauty Pageant, organised by an Indonesian TV host who was fired from her job for refusing to take off her tudung while on duty.
yahoo.com21-year-old Nurul is the first Malaysian to enter the World Muslim Women Beauty Pageant
Nurul's beaming smile won her the World Muslim Woman Netizen 2013 title at the pageant.
Image via themalaysianinsider.comMalaysia's Nurul Husna Zainal Abidin crowned the "World Muslim Netizen 2013" award at the World Muslim Women beauty pageant in Jakarta
Image via imgur.comMalaysia's Nurul Husna Zainal Abidin crowned the "World Muslim Netizen 2013" award at the World Muslim Women beauty pageant in Jakarta
Image via kompas.comMalaysia’s Nurul said, "Islam is portrayed as something beautiful. The Quran readings and other events in the beauty pageant were all planned according to Islamic law."
"Participating in the beauty pageant has deepened my knowledge of Islam as all the activities involved teaching the contestants how to be a Muslim woman and face the challenges of modern times," Nurul told The Malaysian Insider.
yahoo.comShe wanted the Malaysian government to consider organising a similar pageant. She said, "If the government organises a Muslim beauty pageant here, it would be well-received. The Muslim version of the beauty pageant teaches Islamic knowledge without sidelining the hijab fashion style.
"It isn't wrong to organise such an event as it can open up opportunities for Muslim women to learn something new. At the same time, the government could use the opportunity to promote tourism in Malaysia."
yahoo.comNurul merupakan pelajar dari Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) Negeri Sembilan.
The World Muslim Women Beauty Pageant was organized in protest of the Miss World pageant
The Guardian reported 500 or more contestants initially competed during a round of online questions, but 20 finalists from six countries – Bangladesh, Brunei, Iran, Malaysia, Indonesia and Nigeria – competed as finalists on Wednesday.
Pageant organiser Eka Shan event's this year was seen as partly a protest against the Miss World pageant, which had to be moved from the Indonesian capital of Jakarta to diffuse objections from Islamic hardline groups.
This year, we deliberately held our event just before the Miss World finals to show that there are alternative role models for Muslim women," she told AFP.
Organizer Eka Shanti says the World Muslim Women Beauty Pageant is Islam's answer to Miss World
Eka Shanti, who founded the pageant three years ago after losing her job as a TV news anchor for refusing to remove her headscarf, bills the contest as "Islam's answer to Miss World.
Organizer Eka Shanti says the World Muslim Women Beauty Pageant is Islam's answer to Miss World
Image via nst.com.myOrganizers say they want to show Muslim women there is an alternative to the idea of beauty put forward by the British-run Miss World pageant, and also want to show that opposition to the pageant can be expressed non-violently.
“This is an international event to appreciate women who have talent, dedication, and a reputation in their communities for being young, but also giving back to others,” says Eka Shanti, the pageant’s founder.
“What I will be looking for is strength of personality — someone with a vision for the future, who gives back to their community and shows that beauty is not just about bodies,” said Jameyah Sheriff, an education expert from Malaysia who is on the judging panel.
A religious beauty pageant
The Miss World Muslimah competition is much different, with contestants judged on looks as well as ability to recite from the Quran, relationship with Islam, and when they began wearing their headscarf, a requirement in the pageant.
This contest was for Muslims only, and the contestants wore headscarves and floor-sweeping gowns that covered their chests and shoulders. They were vying for the “crown of modesty,” a golden statue of a woman giving thanks to God and an all expenses paid trip to Mecca.
csmonitor.comTwenty contestants will show off the latest Islamic fashion trends in the Muslimah World pageant and will also take part in other activities, such as reciting the Koran, aimed at demonstrating their piety.
She says the pageant is based around sholehah, an Islamic term meaning someone who is pious, has good morals, and observes Islamic rules and codes. She calls it a “formula,” for understanding the ideal woman, “regardless of your religion.”
csmonitor.comThe contestants — who can only enter the competition if they wear a headscarf — have undergone three days of “spiritual training” in the run-up to the final in Jakarta, waking up before dawn to pray together and sharpen their Koranic reading skills.
The final crowned winner of Miss World Muslimah 2013 was Obabiyi Aishah Ajibola from Nigeria
Obabiyi Aishah Ajibola of Nigeria drops to her knees upon being named World Muslimah 2013 during the third Annual Award of World Muslimah in Jakarta, Indonesia, Wednesday, Sept. 18, 2013. The annual pageant, held exclusively for Muslim women, assessed not only contestants' appearance but also their piety and religious knowledge.
Image via csmonitor.comObabiyi Aishah Ajibola of Nigeria won the title of 2013 Miss World Muslimah, an Islamic beauty pageant, on Wednesday in Jakarta, Indonesia. Ajibola, 21, fell to her knees and thanked “almighty Allah” as she was crowned the winner and received her prizes of 25 million rupiah ($2,189.25) and trips to Mecca and India.
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