
Makeup Artist Says YouTube Star Pavithra Is Just As Soft-Spoken In Real Life

Razzi Musa said that he was blown away by Pavithra's posing skills in front of the camera.

Cover image via Razzi Musa (Provided to SAYS)

Celebrity makeup artist Razzi Musa recently had the privilege of dolling up YouTube sensation Pavithra for a photo shoot

After uploading a few images on Instagram, his work on the 28-year-old housewife went viral on other social media platforms.

In an interview with SAYS, Razzi said that it was enjoyable to work with Pavithra.

"How we see her in her videos, all soft-spoken, that's exactly how she is in person. She's really sweet and polite. I can tell that she was nervous at first but she knew what she had to do for the shoot," he added.

Razzi also shared that Pavithra was a natural in front of the camera

"I was really impressed with how well she could pose. I was genuinely surprised. Usually, people who rarely do editorial shoots would be awkward but she is really good at it," he said.

"I may have posted photos of her where she looks effortless because that is what I wanted. However, in front of the photographer, she did so well."

According to Razzi, they changed into five different outfits and makeup looks within four hours. The entire shoot took place at Pavithra's home in Sungai Siput, Perak, but they had very limited time.

Thankfully, due to Razzi's years of experience as a professional makeup artist, they managed to pull off a successful photo shoot within a short period of time.

"I wanted to make sure that the makeup was simple and focused on her features. I wanted her skin tone to pop and I didn't want to change anything about her because her features were already beautiful," he added.

The glamourous makeover was part of an exclusive shoot for the lifestyle portal Pepatung

Other people involved in the shoot include photographer Pinography and stylist Zul Herizal.

Pavithra was dressed in outfits by renowned fashion designers Rizman Ruzaini, Wanpa, and Bernard Chandran.

Read the full interview here.

Image via Pepatung
Image via Pepatung

Over the weekend, behind the scenes footage from the photo shoot made its rounds on social media.

Netizens were blown away by Pavithra's looks as she usually presents herself in casual clothing and no makeup.

One tweet featuring photos from the shoot garnered over 4,000 retweets. It read, "Behind the scene photos of Queen Pavithra."

One person noted, "She's so photogenic like she's been modelling for years!"

Meanwhile, another user wrote, "I'm all over Sugu Pavithra now. Her cooking, her stories, her hidden talent as a model, her humble self that inspires all of us."

Pavithra and her husband caught people's attention when they started posting wholesome videos of them cooking together:

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