
7 Organisations You Can Support Right Now To Help Sabah Fight COVID-19

Help them help Sabah.

Cover image via Semporna Heroes (Facebook)

Sabah is currently fighting a COVID-19 crisis

The surge of COVID-19 cases in Sabah over the past month has put a massive strain on the healthcare system, with hospitals reaching full capacity and healthcare workers struggling.

As the poorest state in the country where inaccessibility is a real issue, many who live in the most remote areas of Sabah are getting hit the hardest.

Thankfully, several organisations have been collecting food supplies and medical equipment and are delivering them to those in need.

If you are interested in contributing, here are a few initiatives currently helping the COVID-19 situation in Sabah:

1. Malaysian Medical Association (MMA) Sabah COVID-19 Fund

The Sabah branch of the MMA started the Sabah COVID-19 Fund to meet the increasing demand and emergency need of medical supplies.

All proceeds will go to the purchase of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), medical supplies, ventilators, the running of quarantine centres, transportation of medical equipment, as well as allowance for volunteers who have been working round the clock with COVID-19-related relief.

You can find out more information and make a donation to the cause here.

Image via Malaysiakini

2. MERCY Malaysia COVID-19 Pandemic Fund

MERCY Malaysia's COVID-19 Pandemic Fund focuses on channeling donations into medical relief and humanitarian support to most vulnerable communities.

To support the Ministry of Health (MOH), they have set up additional COVID-19 screening centres across the country and have mobilised a group of medical volunteers to conduct the swab tests.

The funds will be used to purchase medical equipment such as test kits, face masks, and PPEs to agencies in need as well as hygiene kits and food packs to affected communities.

You can find out more information and make a donation to the cause here.

3. MERCY Malaysia Wakaf COVID-19 Fund

MERCY Malaysia initiated the Islamic Social Financing (ISF) Fundraising Program, otherwise known as the Wakaf COVID-19 Fund, specifically to support Sabah.

Contributions will be used to procure medical equipment, which will be endowed (wakaf) to the MOH.

You can find out more information and make a donation to the cause here.

4. Malaysian Red Crescent Society (MRCS) Sabah COVID-19 Fund

Since the third wave of the pandemic began, the MRCS has deployed 200 volunteers all around Sabah to provide a range of assistance.

Their effort includes production and delivery of medical equipment including PPE, organising blood donation drives, and providing community psychosocial support and basic aid such as food and cash.

You can find out more information and make a donation to the cause here.

5. Semporna Heroes

Semporna Heroes is an entity made up of many different non-governmental organisations (NGOs) who are focusing on delivering rescue food packs, clean drinking water, and formula milk to local communities who live out at sea.

Their recent missions include delivering 10kg rice packs to over 1,000 families in need, as well as 250 food packs to Kampung Musallah and Bum Bum Island, which are villages that are separated by water and hard to reach.

You can find out more information and make a donation to the cause here.

6. Persatuan Tunas Usahawan Sabah (PANTAS) Semporna Aid

PANTAS has partnered with the Malaysian United Democratic Alliance (MUDA) to provide aid to the hard-hit town of Semporna.

They are targeting a goal of RM50,000 in donations to provide food packs, childcare kits, and hygiene kits.

You can find out more information and make a donation to the cause here.

7. Tawaukini Tabung Solidariti Tawau

After succesfully raising RM16,500 in their first donation drive, local media company Tawaukini is starting a second Tabung Solidariti Tawau drive to collect another RM30,000.

Donations collected will be used to provide Tawau Hospital frontliners with PPEs. The organisation will also be providing food to those affected by the Conditional Movement Control Order (CMCO).

You can find out more information and make a donation to the cause here.

If you'd like to know other ways to help Sabah during these difficult times, these two relief directories have listed the help needed

Local author Hanna Alkaf has created a COVID-19 help relief directory called #KitaJagaKita for all marginalised groups affected by the pandemic across Malaysia, meanwhile a Twitter user named Mazliana has collated a list specifically for COVID-19 aid in Sabah.

Remember to limit your movement and wash your hands often. Watch the latest update on the COVID-19 situation:

Malaysia recorded 1,240 new cases today, 26 October, with majority of the cases coming from Sabah:

Hospital beds are reaching full capacity and frontliners are burning out as the COVID-19 crisis looms on in Sabah:

Read more COVID-19 updates on SAYS:

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