
Park Visitors Watched In Horror As A Teen Girl Got Thrown Off A Fast-Spinning Ride

The tragic incident was caught on camera.

Cover image via Shanghaiist / Mirror UK

Visitors to an amusement park in Chongqing, China could only look on helplessly as a 14-year-old girl was flung off a fast-spinning ride

Image via Shanghaiist

In a terrifying video that has been circulating on social media, park visitors can be heard screaming or crying while some - including children - ran away from the ride, fearing that they would be hit.

The incident happened on Friday, 3 February, at the Zhaohua Park in Fengdu County, Chongqing City.

In the video, the girl can be seen dangling with one leg before she hit the ride's signboard and thrown on to the metal railings surrounding the ride

Image via Mirror UK

Attempts to revive her via cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) were unsuccessful. She was taken to a nearby hospital but was pronounced dead on arrival.

The video is available here, but please note that viewer discretion is advised.

An initial investigation into the tragedy showed that her seatbelt broke and the passenger safety bar of the "A Journey In Space" ride did not fit tightly enough

Reports also indicate that the ride was last inspected in December.

Following the incident, China's safety regulator has asked Chongqing authorities to suspend the park's big rides to carry out inspections

Image via Reuters / BBC

Other companies operating the same ride have also been ordered to stop using it and to contact its manufacturer in the city of Chengdu for further checks.

Meanwhile, the West China Metropolis Daily reported that the girl's family had reached a compensation agreement with the park for their only child's death amounting to 870,000 yuan (RM561,578.65).

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