Muslim Women Are Advised Not To Wear Clothing Made From Lycra, Says PAS Delegate
A PAS delegate recently advised Muslim women against wearing clothing made from lycra as the material is said to be figure-hugging.
PAS Delegate Advised Muslim Women Against Wearing Clothing Made From Lycra
A PAS Muslimat delegate from Negri Sembilan has advised Muslim women against wearing clothings made from lycra as it could accentuate women’s body shape.
Fazilah Abu Samah, while debating the PAS Muslimat’s chief adjournment speech, said that if made in the wrong cutting, the clothing such as telekung (prayers attire), jubah (long dress) and headscarves would show off women’s “assets”.
“I wouldn’t mind if the Muslim women want to wear any kind of layered headscarves but it is not right if they are form fitting,” she said Thursday.
What Is Lycra?
Lycra refers to a clothing material known as spandex, which is elastic and usually used to make swimwear, leggings and tights.