
PAS Postpones Plan To Table Hudud Bill

PAS President Datuk Seri Hadi Awang announced that the party will delay its plan to table a private member's bill in the Dewan Rakyat over the implementation of hudud in Kelantan.

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PAS Has Decided To Postpone Its Plan To Table A Private Member's Bill In June 2014 To Implement The Controversial Hudud Law

PAS President Datuk Seri Hadi Awang

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PAS has decided to postpone the tabling of a private member's bill in Parliament, which is scheduled to sit again in June.

According To PAS, The Postponement Is To Allow More Time For The State And Federal Technical Committee To Study The Implementation Of The Islamic Penal Code

Party president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang said today that this came on the heels of the party's agreement to the formation of the panel on a government-to-government (G2G) basis.

He said the move was to allow a state and federal technical committee to undertake a study on how the Islamic penal code would be implemented. “Because of the formation (of the committee), the move to table the Private Member’s Bill in Parliament will not be continued.

"This is to pave way for the technical committee to summarize the proposal and to come up with the next action plan," said Hadi in the statement which was read by PAS Deputy President, Mohamad Sabu during a press conference at the party's headquarters on Sunday.

The decision was announced by party president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang, who said the postponement was to give sufficient time to a joint Putrajaya and Kelantan government technical committee to study the implementation of the Kelantan Shariah Penal Code II.

However, PAS Reiterated The Fact That The Party Is Still Determined To Implement The Hudud Law

PAS Deputy President Mohamad Sabu

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Although PAS has decided to postpone the tabling of the private member's bill, Mohamad said the party was determined to implement hudud.

Mohamad said, even though PAS has decided to postpone the tabling of the bill, the party will continue to ensure that the Syariah Penal Code (ii) 1993 will be implemented one day.

"It is up to the technical committee which will be discussing with the state and federal government. This is a committee between a government and a government, not between a party and a party. So it must be serious," he said.

During The Press Conference, PAS Says PKR And DAP Have Yet To Be Informed Of Their Decision

He added that neither PKR nor DAP have been informed about PAS's decision nor was there any need to. "They should know about it once the media reports it," he said.

MCA President Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai Says PAS' Move To Delay The Tabling Of The Bill Is Merely A Political Ploy

MCA Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai Says PAS' Move To Delay The Tabling Of The Bill Is Merely A Political Ploy

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PAS’ move to delay the tabling of the private member’s bill for the implementation of hudud in Kelantan is merely part of its tactics and a ‘political ploy’, said MCA president Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai.

Liow also surmised the Islamist party’s recent move was a by-election tactic to help its Pakatan Rakyat partner, DAP. “It is an old trick. Before the general election, they talked about a welfare state but now after the GE, they want to implement hudud,” he said. “It is just another political ploy. DAP should stop PAS, which is always using the same tricks.”

Liow also said MCA would not let up in its campaign against the move and implementation of hudud. “We will further our efforts to ensure the Federal Constitution be defended,” he said yesterday. “This (move by PAS) is against the constitution and we will continue to gather support among the rakyat besides educating them to make them aware of what PAS is doing is not helping the country.”

Following Protests Over The Hudud Law, Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin Had Proposed That PAS Forms A Technical Committee To Scrutinise The Implementation Of Hudud In Kelantan

Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin Had Proposed That PAS Forms A Technical Committee To Scrutinise The Implementation Of Hudud In Kelantan.

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This comes in the wake of protests over the past few weeks by political leaders from both Barisan Nasional and Pakatan Rakyat coalition partners, religious groups and members of the public who are strongly against the introduction of hudud law.

Towards the end of last month, Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin had proposed to PAS that a technical committee be set up to get various religious experts to scrutinise the implementation of hudud in Kelantan. He had said that international religious leaders should also be invited to share their views to the panel.

The PAS-Led Kelantan Government Plans To Implement The Shariah Criminal Procedure Enactment 1993 In The State By 2015

Kelantan Menteri Besar Datuk Ahmad Yakob had during the last meeting of Parliament revealed that the state intended to table a private member's bill to allow the implementation of hudud. The bill would enable the Kelantan Shariah Penal Code II, which was passed in 1993 by the state assembly, to be enforced.

The Kelantan government also said it was willing to guarantee that, as long as there were no setbacks and Putrajaya gave the green light to both private bills to be tabled and passed in Parliament, the Shariah Criminal Procedure Enactment 1993 would be implemented in Kelantan in 2015 by the latest.

The Plan Has Been Faced With Strong Objections From MCA, DAP, MIC And More

On The Other Hand, The Federal Government Has Hinted Of Its Support For The Islamic Law

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