
PDRM To Seek Interpol's Help To Locate Comedian Jocelyn Chia

The standup comedian is being investigated with intent to provoke and incite.

Cover image via Harian Metro & @comedycellarusa (TikTok)

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Former Singaporean standup comedian Jocelyn Chia, whose recent routine deriding Malaysia at a New York comedy club drew criticism, is now a person of interest for the Royal Malaysia Police (PDRM)

Inspector-General of Police (IGP) Acryl Sani Abdullah Sani said that the police will file an application with the International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol) to obtain Chia's identity and latest location.

"In addition, the PDRM has also made a copy of the transcript of the suspect's speech in the video (in which Chia joked about MH370)," Acryl was quoted as saying by Harian Metro this morning, 13 June.

He also shared that the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) is also investigating the 41-year-old comedian, who has continued to defend her routine.

Acryl said that the PDRM is investigating Chia under multiple sections

According to Acryl, Chia is being investigated under Section 504 of the Penal Code for the intentional insult with intent to provoke a breach of the peace and 505 (c) of the same code for intent to incite.

She is also being investigated under Section 233 of the Multimedia Communications Act 1998 for knowingly using a network service or applications service to provide obscene communication.

Image via Harian Metro

Chia has faced criticism for her routine, prompting several prominent figures, including Singaporean comedian Kumar and the Singapore High Commission to apologise to Malaysians on her behalf:

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