
Permatang Pauh MP Gets Mixed Reactions After Asking Penang Mall To Stop Promoting Alcohol

The MP said he visited the mall with his entourage to convey the discomfort of Muslim visitors.

Cover image via Ustaz Muhammad Fawwaz Mohamad Jan (Facebook)

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Ustaz Muhammad Fawwaz Mohamad Jan gathered mixed reactions after visiting a shopping mall in Seberang Jaya, Penang, on Monday, 9 January, to object the promotion of alcohol in its main concourse

The Permatang Pauh member of parliament (MP) said he objected to the sales and promotion of alcohol being carried out on such "a large scale" as it offended Muslim sensitivities.

"Following a series of grievances and complaints from the Muslim community regarding the sale of alcohol at [the shopping mall], I along with several Permatang Pauh service centre officers have met with the management to convey the discomfort of Muslim visitors," he wrote in a Facebook post.

The MP had also uploaded a video on TikTok showing his entourage visiting the premises and meeting with the mall's management

"During the meeting, we objected to the sale and promotion of alcohol openly, such as at the main foyer of the mall," he said in the video.

"The organiser received our objection well and said they would take the necessary action within a week."

"To protect the sensitivities of Muslims and the community, it is hoped that this kind of thing will not happen again. Alcohol can intoxicate people and affect their judgement."

While many supporters thanked the MP for raising the issue, many others questioned him for overstepping his boundaries

According to New Straits Times, Pengkalan Kota assemblyman Daniel Gooi said it was not the role of an MP to be the "moral police" and take action against activities that only they deem inappropriate, given that Penang is a multicultural community.

"It is clear the promotion is for Chinese New Year, is aimed at non-Muslims, and is organised in compliance with the law," the assemblyman wrote on Facebook.

"If the MP is taking action as an enforcer against this promotional activity, will he also act as an enforcer towards other cultural and religious activities that have long been practised by the multiracial community of Penang?" he questioned.

Gooi also expressed solidarity with the shopping mall and said it should not stop its festive promotional activities as long as they are in accordance with the law

"The shopping mall should not give in to narrow-minded politicians who are playing moral police. Such promotional activities have been organised in Penang for a long time and they have not affected any feelings or sensitivities of any party," he said.

The assemblyman then thanked the ustaz for inadvertently promoting the alcohol campaign at the mall instead, "Thank you, YB Muhammad Fawwaz, for uploading a video to inform everyone about the alcohol promotion at the said mall."

Those celebrating Chinese New Year can now withdraw new banknotes to pack their ang pows at selected ATMs:

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